Nutritionist from the USA compiled a list of the most harmful products


Popular American nutritionist Jared Koch has compiled a list of the most harmful and dangerous foods that should not be consumed by people who want to maintain good health.

In the first position in the list are canned tomatoes in a tin. Everyone knows that tomatoes are the main source of lycopene, which has an anti-cancer effect. But, once in a tin can containing dangerous chemical compounds, tomatoes lose all their beneficial properties and become harmful. This restriction does not apply to tomatoes in a glass jar.

Sausages and semi-finished meat products occupy the second place in the ranking of harmful products. They were recognized as dangerous because of the large number of hormonal substances and antibiotics that are regularly detected in the research process. Not to mention the chemical additives, preservatives and dyes that all manufacturers generously add to their "delicacies."

Margarine is in third place. Specialists have long proved that margarine is the main source of spenders. They negatively affect the heart and blood vessels, causing the development of serious diseases.

A rather controversial product with an ambiguous reputation - vegetable oil is located on the fourth line of the anti-diet list. Experts believe that due to the improper balance between omega-3 and omega-6 acids, vegetable oil disrupts the metabolism in the body and provokes inflammatory processes. But if oil can and should be used in salads, then frying on it (especially meat products) is contraindicated.

Fifth place is occupied by potatoes grown using pesticides. Following are soy products that cause hormonal imbalances. And complete the list of artificial sweeteners, the use of which is fraught with malignant tumors.


Watch the video: Food as Medicine: Preventing and Treating the Most Common Diseases with Diet (June 2024).