Real Chuck Chuck is a home-made recipe. All the tricks and secrets of making honey homemade Chuck Chuck


Chuck-chak is the most genuine oriental sweetness.

It has a pronounced honey aroma and airiness.

Often, a treat is called a honey slide, although it does not always have this form.

You can find a round dessert, in containers, in the form of pyramids. But in any case, it is tasty, sweet and very fragrant.

Here are the best recipes of Chuck Chuck at home, which can be given any shape.

Chuck-chuck at home - general principles of preparation

The dough for chuck-chuck is always kneading steep and with eggs. For porosity and airiness, traditionally, vodka is added to it. Although, now there are many recipes with other cultivators. Small straws or balls are formed from the dough, which are then deep-fried. Most often from vegetable oil.

Fried products are mixed with honey. It must be melted and warm. Then form a hill and allow to congeal. Often honey is mixed with various syrups. This is done to reduce the cost of dishes. It is not prohibited, but honey should still be present and give its own unique aroma. Otherwise, it will not be chuck-chuck, but something else.

Chuck-chuck: a recipe at home with vodka

The classic recipe for chuck chuck. The dough is traditionally made with vodka, which helps to loosen the dough. Instead, you can use any other alcoholic drink, but only a strong one. Often use cognac, moonshine.


• 2 eggs;

• 1 spoon of vodka;

• 250 grams of flour;

• salt;

• sugar 1 spoon;

• honey and oil.


1. Sift the flour. Add salt to it, then pour sugar, lay eggs, knead and pour vodka in the process. The dough will be cool, slightly chopped. We remove it in a bag for half an hour.

2. In the meantime, prepare the deep fat. To do this, pour three to four centimeters of oil in a saucepan.

3. We take out the dough, roll it into a thin cake. It can be divided into several parts.

4. Cut into noodles, but not long. Enough pieces of 2, maximum 3 centimeters.

5. Deep-fried noodles in small portions. Pieces should not touch. Also, you do not need to fry much.

6. As soon as the pieces turn yellow, take them out on paper towels. This is convenient to do with a slotted spoon.

7. Fry all the dough, cool.

8. Add honey. It must be melted to a liquid state, otherwise the chuck-chuck will be impossible to mix.

9. Put the oiled pieces on a plate or dish in the form of a slide.

Chuck-chuck: a recipe at home in milk

For Chuck Chuck at home with this recipe, alcohol is not needed. The dough is kneaded with the addition of milk, and for ease, an ordinary baking cultivator is added to it. But you can use baking soda.


• flour 2.5 cups;

• three eggs;

• 1 tsp without a hill of salt;

• Ripper 1 tsp;

• a spoonful of sugar;

• 3 tablespoons of milk.

For frying oil, for lubricating honey.


1. Mix the flour with baking powder. Separately, mix milk with salt, a spoonful of sugar and eggs. We combine everything, stir and let it rest for the plasticity of the dough.

2. Roll out a large cake, cut into strips, the width of each should be no more than 1.5 centimeters.

3. Now take one strip and cut across into pieces of 0.5 centimeters. You get the rectangles. But during frying, they are inflated, they will become beautiful cubes.

4. Fry our billets in deep fat, do not rush and pour small portions.

5. Cool, grease with melted honey, let’s grab and you're done! The kettle by this time is simply obliged to be hot!

Chuck-chuck: a recipe at home with kefir

Another variation of the chuck-chuck recipe at home. The dough is universal, it is also suitable for cooking crisp brushwood. As well as the technique of making balls.


• 2 eggs;

• 50 ml of kefir;

• 1 spoon of vodka;

• 1.5-2 cups flour;

• 5-7 tablespoons of honey;

• 1/3 teaspoon salts;

• 2 tsp Sahara;

• butter.


1. Eggs need to be combined with kefir, add sugar, salt. Pour flour, pour in vodka and knead a cool dough. Let’s rest in a package.

2. Make balls of dough. To do this, give the piece an oblong shape, then divide it lengthwise into two parts. Now each cut again along.

3. Roll out from each piece a long and thin sausage, cut into pieces. The length should be equal to the thickness.

4. Fry the resulting "pimp" in deep fat.

5. Melt the honey, mix the chuck-chuck balls and the aromatic delicacy is ready!

Chuck-chuck: homemade recipe with nuts and poppy seeds

Recipe for a poppy dessert chuck-chuck with a crazy aroma of walnuts. But peanut fans can redo the delicacy to their taste. The recipe differs not only in additives, but also in a special way of making dough, as well as hot.


• 5 eggs;

• 10 grams of sugar;

• 500 grams of flour;

• a spoonful of oil;

• 1/3 teaspoon salts;

• a spoon of vodka;

• 4 tablespoons of milk;

• 40 grams of poppy;

• 150 grams of nuts;

• 500 grams of honey;

• 500 grams of oil.


1. Put yolks in one bowl and squirrels in another.

2. Rub the yolks with a spoon of any oil and sugar until they become lighter.

3. Beat the whites with a pinch of salt until the mass is stable.

4. Combine, pour in milk, add flour and vodka. The dough is ready! We send him to lie down. You can wrap it in a bag or just cover it with an inverted bowl.

5. Fry nuts, then chop into pieces.

6. Poppy need to pour boiling water, hold for five minutes, and then drain the water.

7. We take out the dough, cut into strips or balls.

8. Melt the butter, you need to evaporate all the water from it. Fry our billets, cool.

9. Put in a large bowl, add steamed poppy and prepared nuts.

10. Melt the honey, send in a bowl to the other components of the dessert.

11. Stir and stack the slide. You can leave some of the dry poppy seeds and a few nuts for finishing.

Chuck-chuck: home-made recipe with sugar syrup

Honey is not a very cheap product. And in order for the treat to really succeed, you need to add a lot of lubricant. An economical recipe for treats with sugar syrup, but with the addition. The base can be kneaded and baked according to any recipe, for example, take one of the above.


• 70 grams of honey;

• 180 grams of sugar;

• 60 ml of water.


1. Combine sugar with water, send to a saucepan and onto the stove. Cook exactly 4 minutes after boiling.

2. Add honey, wait for dissolution. You can turn off the fire so as not to overheat and keep all the useful components in the product.

3. We mix the fried Chuck-Chuck billets with syrup, form a dessert and wait for it to freeze.

Bashkir chuck-chuck: a recipe at home with chocolate

It turns out that in the chuck-chuck you can add not only nuts, but also any dried fruits, coconut flakes, other sweets. But the oriental sweet with chocolate is especially tasty and aromatic. The difference of this option is also molding through a meat grinder, which is very convenient.


• 100 grams of sugar;

• 3 eggs;

• 60 grams of honey;

• 1 tsp drain. oils;

• 2 cups of flour;

• 1 tablespoon of water;

• salt;

• a spoon of vodka;

• 10 grams of chocolate.


1. Beat eggs with salt, a spoonful of sugar, add melted butter.

2. In the sifted flour, put the resulting mixture, pour a spoonful of vodka, knead.

3. The dough should be covered with a moistened napkin and left for an hour so that it lies down.

4. Combine the remaining sugar with a spoon of water, melt on the stove. It is necessary that the grains dissolve before boiling the mass.

5. Add honey and turn it off.

6. We collect the meat grinder, insert the mesh with large holes.

7. We pluck off a piece of dough, throw it into a meat grinder and start twisting.

8. Once the sausages 2 centimeters come out, cut them with a sharp knife. We disassemble by the piece.

9. Fry in the usual way, deep-fried. We do not put a lot to prepare products evenly.

10. Stir fried sausages in a bowl.

11. Share the chocolate bar. Two-thirds need to crumble into cubes or grate, but with large chips. Sent in a bowl.

12. The remaining part is melted with a spoonful of oil in the bath, but you can also warm it in the microwave, stirring occasionally.

13. Add sugar syrup, mix the bulk. We lay out on plates.

14. Top with melted chocolate and finish! Let the dessert harden.

Chuck-chuck at home - useful tips and tricks

• No vodka or any other liquor? Knead the dough with baking powder or baking soda. They will also contribute to porosity, make the product light and airy.

• It is not necessary to prepare a chuck-chuck in the form of a large slide. You can simply roll a lot of small balls, make portioned pyramids or give any other shape. Immediately there will be no need to cut a treat and eat it will be much more interesting.

• Chak-chak can be prepared with different fillings and not necessarily advertise them. Guests will be especially surprised when they find a piece of chocolate, marshmallow, marmalade or just a delicious candy in a portioned ball.

• Chuck-chuck turns out to be especially aromatic and beautiful if you fry it in butter. But this pleasure is not very cheap, and not everyone has such an amount of oil in the house. Therefore, you can always make a mixture, you can also add ghee to it, which will also positively affect the taste.

• Add sugar to the dough. It helps the straws to fry and become golden, not gray. But you need to put granulated sugar strictly according to the recipe. If you add more, the products will burn.

• To prevent the chak-chak dough from drying out, you can cover it with a moistened napkin. Or rinse the bowl and throw on top.


Watch the video: Orange Bitters (June 2024).