Fashion house Hermes introduced a T-shirt for 3 million rubles


In New York on Madison Avenue, a brand-name T-shirt is on sale at a brand store that costs $ 91500. A product made from crocodile leather from Hermes (a manufacturer of luxury handbags, the prices of which are measured in many thousands of dollars) is unique in that it will be sold at retail. If you take into account the sales tax, which under US law will be $ 8,000, the total cost of a T-shirt will approach $ 100,000.

Hermes introduced a crocodile leather t-shirt as part of the spring / summer 2013 show. The idea of ​​wearing leather clothes in the summer may seem strange, but the t-shirt is part of the Chiffon Crocodile line.

Hermes is in no hurry to answer questions from the media and does not explain what the prohibitive price of the product is connected with and what innovative functions this line of T-shirts is designed to carry. According to representatives of PETA (a public organization that protects the rights of animals), for such a huge amount of money it is quite possible to buy a couple of cars or pay for several years of study at the university.

It is very interesting who wants to replenish their wardrobe with such an unusual thing? Maybe the newly made billionaire Madonna? Or any of the representatives of the royal family? Or maybe some fabulously rich sheikh? Against the backdrop of T-shirts for $ 91500, backpacks from the Olsen sisters for whom asking for $ 50,000 no longer seem expensive. And Birkin handbags in general look quite affordable, indeed - they cost only $ 20,000.


Watch the video: Kledingindustrie - Zondag met Lubach S07 (June 2024).