Sunday evening is the hardest time for dieters


Many people are used to “seizing” their problems. Researchers have calculated the exact time of day when this usually happens. The most dangerous time is Sunday evening. 48% of people between 7 and 10 pm refuse healthy food. On Sunday, but only from 3 to 5, 29% of respondents do the same, testing showed 750 people. Unlike other weekdays on Monday, people prefer foods that contain a lot of sugar and fat. If we consider the problem from this angle, then the most dangerous is the afternoon and lunch.

34% of the respondents after the basic meal additionally eat two more foods, for example a bag of chips, nuts or a chocolate bar. 22% of people eat three products, one product is eaten by 17%, and four or five - 11%. The reason for overeating in most cases is work. 65% of people started to eat a lot if serious troubles and problems arose at work.

The main point of overeating is an irregular meal and mood swings. Scientists have proven that skipping breakfast, we risk eating excess during the day. According to the survey, 41% of people refuse to eat breakfast once a week. And 36% cannot eat at all in the morning, but like to have a bite to eat at night. Equally important is the bad habit of eating directly at the workplace. 46% of people are accustomed to dine without leaving their workplace, which then leads to overeating in half of them.


Watch the video: Exercise 8 Minutes Before Bed, See What Happens In a Month (July 2024).