April 26th: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on April 26th.


Holidays April 26


Arbor Day (or Arborist Day) was born in the United States. Its founder is considered Minister of Agriculture D. Sterling Morton. On his initiative, the Americans began to celebrate Arborist Day, reinforcing it with the cultivation of sites and mass planting of trees. On April 26, 1874 (in the first year of the celebration), by order of the Minister, about twenty million trees were planted in Nebraska, and within ten years the number of seedlings exceeded 500 million. Thus, Arborist Day quickly spread throughout the United States, and conquered the whole world in the 20th century. By the way, today every country has its own national holiday, called Tree Day. The majority of schoolchildren, as well as various public organizations and youth movements, are involved in the process of urban cultivation. The purpose of the event is not only to promote tree planting, but also to inculcate in the future generation a respect for the environment.

World Intellectual Property Day

The establishment of the holiday - Intellectual Property Day - was held at a meeting in 1999 of the General Assembly of the World Intellectual Property Organization. Since then, the world annually celebrates this event on April 26. The idea of ​​creating a holiday belongs to the organization VIPO, which is responsible for the protection and development of intellectual property worldwide. It should be noted that the date of April 26 is the day of foundation of the VIP. World Intellectual Property Day provides a unique opportunity to emphasize the importance of innovative technologies in modern society and its improvement. Copyright, patenting, trademarks, as a result of knowledge and creativity, is a powerful tool that contributes to the cultural and economic development of the entire world community.

April 26th in the folk calendar


On the day we are considering, the Orthodox Church commemorates the holy martyr Thomas of Egypt, who fell for faith in the fifth century. The saint is considered the patroness of femininity, modesty and the opponent of prodigal passion. She was prayed with the purpose of atonement and deliverance from lascivious thoughts.

In Russia, Fomaida was called Medunitsa, because on the day of her memory, peasants often went to the forest for a medunica, which the housewives used for culinary purposes, making tea from it and preparing many dishes on its basis. Despite the fact that the Lungwort is a very fragrant flower, bees fly around it “for seven miles”, as people previously said. Also on this day they gathered the first sorrel, baked sweet cakes from it and cooked the famous cabbage soup in a monastic way. In addition to sorrel, potatoes, onions fried in bacon, herbs (dill, parsley) and, of course, butter of our own production were put in soup.

Historical events of April 26

April 26, 1986 - The largest accident in the history of nuclear production at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant

A terrible technological accident occurred at night at the fourth unit of the Chernobyl NPP named after Lenin. Her echoes still continue to puzzle and amaze doctors, as well as Russian scientists. As a result of this disaster, vast territories of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus were contaminated with radioactive fallout. Moreover, several nearby countries were covered by a radioactive cloud escaping from the reactor, which released a huge amount of chemical gases into the atmosphere. The authorities carried out an immediate evacuation of residents within a radius of forty kilometers, but this still did not save many. The true size of the disaster continues to shock us so far.

April 26, 1991 - Adoption of the law "On the rehabilitation of repressed peoples"

Millions of Soviet citizens became victims of a totalitarian regime, they were subjected to repression (according to national, religious, political and other beliefs). According to experts, more than thirty million people became victims of these repressions. Since the 1930s, the mass eviction of nations began in the Soviet Union. In addition to forced deportation, a policy of genocide began to be applied to repressed peoples, which was accompanied by violence and terror in places of special settlements.

Since 1954, the process of rehabilitation of victims of political repressions began in the USSR, but soon the project was curtailed and resumed only in the 1980s, when the authorities adopted several legislative acts relating to this issue. And in 1991 (April 26), the Supreme Council adopted the law "On the rehabilitation of repressed peoples." This state document condemned the policy of lawlessness, slander, cruelty and genocide that reigned at that time in relation not only to the repressed, but to all other peoples of the multinational country.

April 26, 1997 - Establishment in the Russian Federation of the Order "For Mercy and Healing"

The founder of the unusual award was the Russian Medical Society. As a rule, this order decided to reward individuals who had distinguished themselves in front of national health care. The award ceremony is accompanied by an official blessing from the Russian Orthodox Church. This award is an icon in the shape of an eight-pointed star, on the background of which the patron saint of all doctors and the outstanding healer Panteleimon are depicted. The veneration of the great martyr Panteleimon began in the distant twelfth century. At one time, his image was a "talisman" for many Russian princes and rulers. It is believed that on the feast day of the saint, Russian troops repeatedly defeated the Swedes - under Gangut (1714) and under Grengam (1720).

Born on April 26

Maria Medici (1573-1642 gg.) - The wife of the French king Henry the Fourth, regent with his young son Louis. The aristocracy constantly sought to remove Mary from the throne. The rebellions of the nobility had to be suppressed more than once, it cost the queen considerable expenses, efforts and sacrifices. After Ludwig took over, Mary was suspended from business and, as a result of a conflict with her son, was exiled to Blois. Three years later, the relatives reconciled, the ex-queen returned to Paris, where she headed the Council of State.

Jean Jacques Audubon (1785-1851 gg.) - American artist, famous naturalist and traveler. He went down in history as John Audubon. After the death of his mother, his father took Jean to Paris, where the boy showed the ability to painting. He especially liked to depict plants and animals. Until old, Audubon traveled the world to study natural living creatures, and at the age of 53, together with Halwell Jr., published the book "Birds of America", which brought great fame to its authors.

Nikolai Mikhailovich Romanov (1859-1919) - the grandson of Nicholas I, the Grand Duke. Historians call him the most well-read, intelligent and cultural representative of the royal family. Nikolai Mikhailovich was the author of many reference books (Petersburg Necropolis, Moscow Necropolis, etc.), as well as the chairman of the Imperial Historical Society.

Charles Richter (1900-1985) - an outstanding American physicist-seismologist. The developer of the well-known scale for assessing the strength of earthquakes.

April 26th

April 26th is celebrated: Artemon, Christina, Thomas, Artem, Martha, Maria, Kleta.


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