April 27th: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on April 27th.


Holidays April 27

Notary Day in Russia

Notary is a very ancient and important profession, the significance of which was discussed only at the end of the twentieth century, and at the beginning of the twenty-first century (April 27, 2007) Russian notaries celebrated their professional, though still unofficial, holiday - a solemn event "inside" this profession. Every year, the Ministry of Justice congratulates all notaries, which is very remarkable, but the proposal to introduce the holiday came not from the Ministry, but from the Assembly of Notarial Chambers. The date of April 27, as expected, was not chosen by chance. It was on this day that Emperor Alexander the Second, known in history as the founder of many liberal reforms, issued a "notarial clause". In this regard, the notary actually separated from the judicial system, and its representatives began to deal mainly with property matters.

Special Forces Day

The holiday of special units is annually celebrated in Russia on April 27. If you exaggerate, the name of the special units is very complicated - military units of internal troops for the protection of places of special operations, important state facilities, escort of special cargoes. The guys in this profession call themselves much simpler - representatives of special forces. The date of the celebration of the Day of Special Forces is dedicated to the foundation in 1946 of a special department for the protection of scientific institutes, as well as research laboratories involved in the field of nuclear energy. The common man is not destined to discern the activities of these special units, since they are of a purely secret nature.

Lazarev Saturday (date for 2013)

Christians call Lazarus Saturday the Sabbath before Palm Sunday. The holiday reminds believers of the miraculous resurrection of Lazarus, which happened thanks to Christ. Saint Lazarus lived with his sisters near Jerusalem. Jesus was a frequent guest at their home. Once Lazarus fell seriously ill and soon died. Christ visited a friend four days after his death. He wept over the body of Lazarus, cried out the words: "Lazarus! Go ...", and the saint immediately woke up and left the funeral cave. The news of the miraculous resurrection spread throughout Judea. When Jesus entered Jerusalem again, he was greeted with great honors, like a true God, laying clothes and willow branches on his path. And after this miracle, Lazarus lived another thirty years, preaching Christianity to the world.

April 27 on the folk calendar

Martin Lisogon

On this day, the people honor the memory of St. Martin, who lived in Constantinople and wore the title of Pope of Rome. According to legend, they repeatedly tried to kill Martin on the orders of the ruler, however, accidents occurred with his potential killers. One of them, for example, approaching the saint, immediately went blind.

In Russia, Martin was nicknamed Lisogon, because people believed that it was on this day that the foxes left their old holes to build new ones. Also today, a raven was recalled, which, according to legend, Martin bathed his children in a puddle, and then sent it “for free swimming”, into adulthood. The crow was considered an ominous bird. People attributed to him a lot of magical properties and abilities. And how many sayings and signs existed with the mention of ravens - and do not count! So the old people whispered that the raven croaks unhappily. If he was sitting at the church, a dead person was expected in the village. In the southern regions, plowing began on Martin's Day, and in the very near future - sowing of early breads. In general, people loved to work on the land that day, because the harder you work, the more you will harvest.

Historical events of April 27

April 27, 1906 - The first State Duma in Russia has opened

In 1905, the Russian emperor issued a manifesto "on the improvement of public order." According to this document, the first State Duma in Russia, which was the official legislative and representative body, began its formation. The task of the Duma was to consider various bills, followed by approval by the upper house - the State Council and the tsar. The first State Duma was the lower house. She was "born" on April 27, 1906, and seventy-two days later was abolished, having organized only one meeting.

Several political parties were represented by the first State Duma. Its largest fraction - the Cadets - included 179 deputies, the smallest (Octobrists) - numbered 18 political figures. During these months, while the first State Duma of Russia existed, it examined more than 350 cases, some of which directly related to the illegal actions of the government. That is why Nicholas eventually dismissed it, appealing his act "with anger and the bad influence of the Duma on the people."

April 27, 1961 - Establishment of the Soviet Peace Fund

For the sake of maintaining world peace, as well as the correct spending of cash receipts, the Soviet Peace Fund was established in 1961. Its founders were the Committee of Youth Organizations, the Committee for the Defense of the World, the Committee of Soviet Women and the Union of Friendship and Cultural Relations with other countries. The SFM carried out its activities thanks to the voluntary donations of Soviet citizens and some public organizations. In 1992, the SFM was reorganized into the Russian Peace Fund (RFM). Its main areas are: strengthening peace and friendship between peoples, maintaining humanism in the country, charity, as well as preventing any social conflicts, preserving the environment and developing international relations. In addition, the Russian Peace Foundation implements a huge number of humanitarian and charitable programs.

April 27, 1965 - Obtaining a patent for diapers "Pampers"

On that day, the first Pampers, which were disposable diapers for babies, were patented in the United States. And their inventor was an outstanding American scientist and part-time grandfather of three lovely grandchildren - Victor Mills. By the way, it was these babies that prompted Mills to think about creating disposable diapers. However, he did not take much time to put the idea into practice, however, the picky Americans did not immediately fall in love with the “Pampers” for their excessive density and inconvenience in use - after their use, children often had a rash and severe diaper rash. However, Mills was not about to give up. He abandoned dense plastic, constructed a new moisture-absorbing material, and invented very good diapers. Over time, “Pampers” improved, their structure began to “breathe” and ceased to irritate the baby’s delicate skin, due to its minimal contact with moisture.

Born on April 27

Samuel Morse (1791-1872 gg.) - American inventor, artist. First President of the National Academy of Drawing. The inventor of the telegraph apparatus and special telegraph code, known as the Morse code. Although all the fame went to him, at least two more inventors, Alfred Weil and Leonard Gale, who, unfortunately, remained in the shadow of their most enterprising partner, took part in the Morse team. Samuel Morse himself, being an ambitious person, did not recognize the merits of his comrades in the craft, he argued that they acted only at his prompting.

Evgeny Morgunov (1927-1999 gg.) - The famous Russian actor, especially remembered by the audience as experienced in the films directed by L. Gaidai. The well-known trinity of Morgunov, Vitsin and Nikulin will remain in the memory of Russian viewers for a long time. It is hard to believe that this man with his overall figure in his youth was thin. So Morgunova can be seen in the movie "The Young Guard".

April 27th

April 27th is celebrated: Anton, Alexander, Ivan, Ostap, Martin, Velin, Galina, Oksana.


Watch the video: Gal Holiday April 27, 2019 (July 2024).