Mordovia - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Mordovia - general description

Mordovia (Echínops) refers to the genus of perennial (sometimes one-year-old), herbaceous spiny plants from the family Asteraceae or Asters. The height of the plant is approximately 100-140 cm. The root is branched and goes deep into the soil. Above, a straight, solitary stalk is branched.

The mordovia has rough-iron-fluffy leaves. The flower has a white corolla, dark blue anthers, light blue leaflets-wrappers - people popularly called it a muzzle “white tatarnik” and “blue-headed”. The inflorescence is a spherical basket around which there is no general wrapping. Fruits are oblong achenes.

Mordovia - types and places of growth

The muzzle is widespread in southern Europe from the Iberian Peninsula all the way to Japan, including the steppes of Asia. From the south, the distribution range borders on North Africa, Asia Minor, Iran and Afghanistan.

You can meet a muzzle, as a rule, in the steppes, on the edges of the shrubs, on the hillsides, on the banks of rivers in meadows, ravines and vacant lots.

Mordovia - healing properties

Mordovia preparations are used as effective neuromuscular stimulants - they help with radiculitis, paralysis, asthenic conditions, hypotension, multiple sclerosis, and also help eliminate the effects of chronic radiation damage.

The substance echinopsin, which is found in the seeds of the mordovia, restores the functions of the oppressed central nervous system, improves well-being, relieves headaches, improves mood, promotes the rise of physical and mental performance.

Fatty oil in fruits can be used as a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Mordovia - dosage forms

For medicinal purposes, tinctures of mordovia fruits are often used, as well as decoctions from the seeds of the plant. Achene is harvested during the ripening period - the heads must be collected and dried in the open air, then wiped and cleaned. Due to the content of fatty oil (up to 28%), the fruits of the muzzle have also found external use.

Mordovian - recipes

An alcohol tincture and an aqueous tincture are prepared from the muzzle, which are used for muscular atrophy, paralysis, exhaustion, paresis, neuritis and sexual weakness.

Water infusion is prepared as follows. On a teaspoon of pre-chopped mordovia seeds, 300 ml of water is needed. Simmer for 15 minutes over low heat, then insist for 2 hours and then strain. Drinking this water infusion is recommended four times a day for 2 tablespoons.

Alcohol tincture takes longer to prepare. A teaspoon of pre-chopped mordovia seeds will require 100 ml of vodka or alcohol. In a glass vessel in a dark place, the mixture must be infused for 2 weeks, not forgetting to periodically shake. It is recommended to take a ready-made tincture 20 minutes before meals twice a day, 10-20 drops at a time.

With psoriasis and some other skin problems, the muzzle can have an anti-inflammatory effect. To do this, it is necessary to regularly lubricate the affected surface of the skin with a mixture of several alcohol tinctures, in particular, mordovia, calamus, succession, celandine and St. John's wort. The method of preparation of alcohol tinctures from the mordovia described above. Tinctures from other herbs are prepared in the same way.

Mordovia - contraindications

Experts warn that the muzzle has a toxic effect. Therefore, its application must be agreed with a specialist. So it should not be prescribed for hypertension - increased doses can lead to convulsions. Mordovia is also contraindicated during pregnancy.


Aldina 05/06/2016
Well, I'm not so excited about this plant)) Of course, its appearance attracts. But the healing properties are rather meager. With all this, the muzzle is toxic. So ... There are better plants. Although, as I understand it, it is also used in traditional medicine, it means there is some sense.

Oksana 05/06/2016
I really liked this muzzle! Yes, I'm just delighted with his appearance. Such an unusual, original! I love such non-banal things. And the properties of the mordovia are very useful. Maybe this is not the most healing plant, but still.

Tanya 05/05/2016
This is probably the right drug for all of us. With our life, when you spin like a squirrel in a wheel, it is simply necessary to maintain well-being. I think such a plant should not be given to children. Even to improve mental abilities.

Larisa 05/06/2016
I was interested in this muzzle. Interestingly, is it sold in pharmacies? His properties such as improving mood, mental and physical activity, and similar qualities, I would now be very useful. Need to look on sale.

Oh my God! What a wonderful plant! How cool it looks! It’s a pity that this is not growing in our country. Yes, he is also so tall! Imagine how great it is to go amid such beauty! Bluehead, of course, a more suitable name for it))


Watch the video: Ulyanovsk state medical university (July 2024).