Where to start losing weight: the first steps towards a slim figure. Where to start the process of losing weight to achieve effective results


Every woman wants her figure to be close to ideal.

For one, this is a way to increase your self-esteem and wear your favorite things, for another, a way to regain your husband’s disposition.

In fact, the reason why there is a desire to lose weight does not matter.

If a woman decided to lose weight - it will only benefit her.

Where to start losing weight?

Everything is not as difficult as it seems. If you approach the process correctly and follow simple recommendations, excess weight will go away gradually in a natural way.

Where to start the process of losing weight: setting goals and stimulating

Just a simple desire to lose weight. If a woman really wants to lose weight, she must set a clear goal and consider the motivation that will help her move to the desired result.

Important points to consider

1. A person should carefully look at himself and clearly understand what exactly he wants to change, the excess weight in which part of his body bothers him the most.

2. Next, you need to determine what result the person wants to achieve. No need to set unattainable weight. This must be a real number.

3. Determining the timing of weight loss. So that the diet does not stretch, you need to indicate the date by which the task will be completed.

Stimulation - without this, the process of losing weight will drag on. Perhaps soon some important event at which a woman wants to shine in a stunning dress, or the beginning of the beach season? By setting a stimulus, it will be easy not to break and achieve weight loss.

Essential Attributes for Weight Loss

Where to start the process of losing weight now has become clearer. It remains only to prepare everything necessary in order to be constantly aware of the results achieved.

1. Scales. They are necessary in order to constantly monitor the changes in your body and evaluate the result. Now on sale you can find improved models, which show the percentage of water, fat in the body.

2. Centimeter tape. She will also be very useful to see how many centimeters from the waist, hips, chest took.

3. The book of diet recipes. Of course, the basis of weight loss is proper nutrition. Therefore, a book in which tasty and healthy recipes that do not contribute to the deposition of fat is useful.

4. It is important to keep a diary.where all the achieved results will be recorded.

What is important to know about the weight loss process: endocrinologist opinion

An endocrinologist knows much more about losing weight than a nutritionist. Having visited the doctor, the woman will receive useful recommendations about the organization of nutrition, she will find out where to start losing weight, how many kilograms she needs to lose and what diet is suitable for her individually.

1. Many diets say that eating after 18:00 is strictly prohibited. This is stupid. A person who is on a diet should eat every 3 hours (about 5-6 times a day). The main thing is not to eat 2 hours before going to bed so that the stomach has time to process food.

2. A person needs to drink at least 2 liters of pure still water per day - this is the norm. If it is not observed, the metabolism will be impaired, which will slow down the process of losing weight.

3. On a diet, a person always feels full. If he feels hunger, then this diet is not suitable.

4. You can recover from fried potatoes or with the addition of oil. The boiled product and the baked product contain almost no calories.

5. Buns, chocolate, confectionery, bananas, nuts - these are products that should not be present in the diet of a person who wants to lose weight.

6. You can’t lose weight dramatically. It will be considered normal if 3-4 kilograms leave in a month.

When a person becomes familiar with the nuances listed above, it will be easier to decide where to start losing weight.

An important stage: a change in lifestyle and proper organization of the diet

When the question arises of where to start the process of losing weight, you must first think about your diet. Perhaps it will not always be possible to eat 5-6 times a day - this is not scary. The main thing is to be able to find an alternative version of a snack and not break into confectionery or flour products.

It is also necessary to revise the daily diet so that the main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) are as satisfying and wholesome as possible, but not high-calorie ones.

Breakfast options

1. It is very useful to eat cottage cheese for breakfast. It is best to choose a product with a maximum fat content of 2.5%. If there is no cottage cheese, natural unsweetened yogurt will do.

2. Breakfast is not suitable for white bread, butter and sausage. However, these products can be replaced with boiled eggs, hard cheese and a slice of brown bread.

3. Oatmeal cooked in non-fat milk with the addition of a small amount of dried fruit. This dish is ideal for a morning meal, as it starts the stomach and stimulates digestion.

4. Also in the morning will be useful green tea with lemon and honey.

Possible lunch options

1. Boiled rice, any seasonal fresh vegetables (or steamed). Rice may be replaced with buckwheat. You can add a piece of chicken breast without skin to the dish.

2. Chicken broth and vegetable salad seasoned with olive oil (a small amount of it is useful for skin, hair and nails).

3. Fish and vegetables cooked in foil or steamed.

4. In the afternoon, drinking tea is not recommended, it is better to focus on clean water without gas.

Possible dinner options

1. Salad of fresh fruits or vegetables. Preferably without the addition of salt and vegetable oil.

2. Kefir of low fat content (250 ml) perfectly saturates the stomach and allows you to forget about the feeling of hunger.

You can’t do without snacks between main meals. You can eat green apples, kefir, yogurt, dried fruits and cereal bread. Of course, cakes and sweets need to be forgotten. It is better to replace them with grapefruit, pineapple, kiwi.

Where to start losing weight: helpful nutrition tips

What is the right way to start the process of losing weight so that the excess weight goes away, and hunger is not experienced. The presented useful tips will help to organize the diet correctly and quickly bring your figure back to normal, achieve the desired result.

1. Before eating, it is recommended to drink a glass of clean water. This is a little "secret" that will help dull the appetite and eat a smaller portion of food than usual. In addition, a glass of water before eating will start the stomach.

2. Before going to bed, it will be useful to eat 50 grams of prunes and drink it with water at room temperature. This remedy is a natural laxative, cleanses the intestines and removes toxins and toxins.

3. The volume of the stomach - these are two folded together in the palm of your hand. Therefore, when a person puts a portion of food for himself, he must visually fit it in his hands. No need to stretch the stomach again.

4. Calculating your daily calorie intake is not difficult for yourself. For the first time, it will be enough to limit yourself to a daily norm of 1500 Kcal, and in a week to reduce the energy value of consumed dishes. This approach will start the process of weight loss.

5. Any diet should be accompanied by the use of multivitamins, so that the body does not experience a deficiency of beneficial trace elements.

6. Once a week you can allow some sweets. The main thing is not to overdo it with the quantity.

The importance of physical activity

Where to start losing weight? The process should include not only proper nutrition, but minimal physical stress. Of course, the rhythm of life of modern ladies leaves them no time to attend gyms. However, this does not mean that now sports should be forgotten at all. You can purchase a hoop, several dumbbells and a rope for yourself - this is the minimum set for home training. Giving them a little time every day, the process of losing weight will accelerate, the skin will tighten and cellulite will disappear.

To make it easier for a person to understand where to start losing weight, he must decide how important this is for him and what he will get after achieving the result. It must be remembered that overweight negatively affects the state of health. Get rid of extra pounds, remove toxins and waste, cleanse your body - it will only benefit.


Watch the video: The Best Ways to Lose Half Your Body Weight (June 2024).