Apricot face masks - why? How to make an apricot mask at home: for normal, dry and oily skin


Juicy aromatic apricot - it's just some kind of happiness! Not only does this southerner have an amazing taste. He is able to give the delicate female skin the same elasticity, freshness and velvety, which is different from its dense ruddy skin. Be sure to try homemade apricot masks: they are no worse than industrial cosmetics, but unlike safer and healthier ones.

The effect of apricot mask on the skin

It is not necessary to wait for visible age-related wilting of the face to start using masks against wrinkles, dull color, sagging. Women's skin needs additional care from the age of 20, when the process of its maturation is completed. Therefore, you can use apricot face masks from a young age.

The fact is that wonderful apricot pulp can moisturize dry skin, dullness - oily, cleanliness - problematic, freshness and firmness - fading. The secret in the composition of the fruit:

• Vitamin E has a powerful antioxidant effect, increases the elasticity of aging and regenerating properties of problem skin, eliminates dryness, peeling, acne and pimples, slows down aging, and relieves irritation;

• Vitamin C makes the skin shine and smoothes wrinkles;

• organic acids (citric, malic, tartaric) gently exfoliate dead cells, brighten the skin, rejuvenate it;

• Vitamin A relieves inflammation, dryness and peeling;

• folic acid restores immunity, has a pronounced protective property;

• potassium moisturizes, maintains elasticity and youth;

• silicon gives elasticity;

• carotene fights dryness.

Such a unique composition of the southern fruit provides an exhaustive answer to the question of why apricot masks are so effective. This is a natural, gifted by nature itself means of solving youthful problems and the fight against old age. Apricot flesh will fill the skin with freshness, moisturize, nourish, tighten and cleanse. The main thing is to know how to apply a self-prepared composition and which recipe to use.

Rules for using apricot masks

Home masks differ from purchased masks primarily in terms of possible use. So, a mask of apricot at home makes sense to apply in the following cases:

• it has just been cooked;

• the skin before applying the mask is cleaned not only from decorative or care cosmetics, but also from sebum;

• ripe, absolutely healthy, without stains and decayed fruits were used to prepare the mask.

Otherwise, the effect will be either blurry or negative. Under the influence of oxygen, oxidative processes within a few minutes will destroy the nutrients and vitamins contained in the composition, and it will become useless.

In order not to damage the skin and achieve maximum results, it is important to follow some rules for preparing a face mask from apricots.

1. The basis for the mask is apricot pulp, so the skin must be removed and the bone thrown away.

2. Apricot pulp should be at room temperature. If fruits are stored in the refrigerator, they must be removed in advance.

3. Before applying the mask, you need to check the composition for allergenicity. The fact is that all active products in its composition are natural, plant or animal origin. Hypothetically, they can cause a negative skin reaction (of an individual nature).

4. The cooked mask cannot be stored. The remnants of the mass must be thrown away without any regret.

Apricot puree can be done in any way, manually or in a blender. The resulting mass should be absolutely homogeneous, without lumps and particles of the skin. Before applying the mask, the skin needs to be steamed and deeply cleaned using peeling or scrub. So all the nutrients are better absorbed into the skin. The exposure time of the mask is 23-30 minutes. It is best to carry out the procedure while lying down, completely relaxed. Then wash off the mass from the face and apply a daily moisturizer or a nightly nutrient.

To get the result, you need to do apricot masks 10 to 15 times, giving the skin a break between treatments for 3-4 days. To maintain the effect, it is enough to use the mask once a week.

Recipes for the best apricot masks

The popularity of apricot masks is explained by their high efficiency. The course of procedures is able to completely transform the face and help even wilted, dull skin. In order to get the desired result, you need to know your skin type and purposefully act on it.

For mixing with apricot pulp, sour-milk products, fruit juice, chicken eggs, oatmeal, salt and other components are used. All of them are called upon to solve a particular problem. What apricot masks will be most effective at home and for which skin are they intended?


The simplest mask that is suitable for any skin. It nourishes, refreshes, gives silkiness and radiance. All that is needed is to apply apricot puree on cleansed skin, cover with a cloth to prevent drying. Instead of pulp, you can use freshly squeezed juice, which periodically impregnate a drying tissue.

Apple and Olive Oil

Mask for normal skin. For three apricot fruits, you need to take one apple, grate it on a fine grater, mix the fruits and add half a teaspoon of oil. Wash off after the set time and rinse your face with cool water.

Aloe juice

A wonderful mask that fills with strength and beauty any skin, even problem skin. Puree three apricots, add to the mass a teaspoon of freshly squeezed juice of homemade aloe (can be replaced with a pharmacy product) and half a tablespoon of olive oil (easily replaced with linseed or ordinary sunflower). Rinse with warm water.

Fresh cottage cheese

To prepare the mask in equal proportions, mix apricot gruel and cottage cheese of any fat content. The mask is ideal for dry skin. Instead of cottage cheese, you can take sour cream, home or store.

Honey and semolina

For aging skin, a rejuvenating mask with a lot of ingredients is good. To prepare it, you need to cook a little milk semolina. Then mix the puree of three apricots, a tablespoon of semolina, a teaspoon of natural flower or linden honey, one fresh yolk, half a teaspoon of medium grinding salt. Apply a lot to the face, and then rinse with warm water. The composition is also suitable for dry and normal skin as a tonic care.

Sour cream and yolk

A mixture of two tablespoons of apricot puree, a spoon of sour cream, one yolk and a teaspoon of flax or olive oil perfectly refreshes any skin. You can apply a mask to any type of skin.

Lemon juice

A mask of three apricots and a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice will brighten and matte oily skin. The face will become velvety, bright, pleasant to the touch.


A mask made on the basis of three apricots and a spoonful of orange juice is no worse. The action is similar to the lemon version: brightens, removes fat content.

Olive oil

This recipe is made for sensitive skin. The simplest composition includes the pulp of three apricots and a teaspoon of olive oil. It is suitable for dry skin in need of hydration and nutrition.

Honey and Oatmeal

An excellent cleansing and nourishing composition: a tablespoon of ground oatmeal, two tablespoons of apricot puree, a tablespoon of liquid honey and milk. Perfectly cleanses, gives elasticity and velvety. Suitable for any skin, especially dry and aging skin.

Milk or cream

Another recipe for a universal nutritional mask includes apricot pulp, diluted with fat milk or cream, to the consistency of sour cream.

Salt or soda

A beautiful scrub based on apricots will give your face radiance and freshness. It is necessary to mix the pulp of a fragrant fruit with sea salt finely ground or soda in equal proportions. The composition should be applied for 5 minutes to the entire face, with the exception of the eyelids, then rinse with warm water.

Contraindications for the use of apricot masks

Masks based on fruits (any, not only apricot) can not be applied if the skin has microtrauma, cuts, acne or acne. Fruit acids and other active ingredients will be irritating and may cause inflammation.

Of course, you can not use an apricot home mask in case of an allergic reaction to both the fruit itself and any of the additional active ingredients. Check for allergies on the wrist or inner surface of the elbow. A sign of a negative reaction is redness, swelling, itching.

If the mask does not cause a negative reaction, feel free to include it in your face care plan. The skin will gain beauty, freshness and youthful elasticity.


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