Champignons - the best recipes. How to cook champignons correctly and tasty.


Champignon dishes - general principles

Champignon - mushrooms that have a delicious delicate smell. Their ball-shaped hats are familiar to everyone. They are widely cultivated in the food industry, as they are a valuable food product. Dishes from mushrooms are cooked, as a rule, quickly, have a pleasant specific smell of fish. The perfect combination of champignons with many other ingredients has borne fruit, and the number of recipes due to this quality is growing steadily.

Champignons, according to most gourmets, are a delicious dish rich in essential amino acids and biologically active substances that help fight migraine attacks and have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems. The calorie content of mushrooms varies from 25 to 30 kcal per 100 grams, but thanks to the fibers and proteins, they leave a feeling of satiety for a long time, therefore they are rightfully considered one of the most valuable dietary products.

The existing recipes for dishes from these mushrooms are very diverse and often involve the use of canned mushrooms. Pickled mushrooms are ideal for pizza, salads, rolls, as well as snacks.

First course recipes include a variety of soups, mashed soups, cream soups, etc. Very popular are the second courses with the addition of mushrooms. These mushrooms are also fried, baked with potatoes, chicken or meat. The dishes obtained from the combination of mushrooms with sour cream, cheese and cream are very tasty. They are also suitable for making hot sauces, as a filling for stuffing and pies.

Recipe 1: Champignon Soup

This soup can be varied with any low-protein cereal or pasta - this will make our soup thick and satisfying and not affect its aroma and taste. For convenience and speed, you can throw a vermicelli cobweb. It boils quickly enough and is very satisfying.

Ingredients: 500 gr. champignons, potatoes, carrots, onions, vermicelli (handful 2), greens of your choice, salt.

Cooking method:

Rinse the mushrooms thoroughly, cut them, pour water in a saucepan and add salt. Boil it. While the broth is boiling, peel the onion, one carrot and 3-4 potatoes. Grate the carrots, chop the onions, and chop the potatoes into strips. Throw the cooked champignons into a colander. Fry a little onion, then toss the carrots into the pan and fry the vegetables until cooked.

While vegetables are fried, put chopped potatoes in the broth and let the soup boil. Next, lower the fry and mushrooms. When the soup begins to boil, let it simmer for about 3 minutes and add vermicelli and finely chopped herbs. Then we turn off the soup and let it brew for another 5 minutes. Serve it with sour cream.

Recipe 2: Mushroom Soup

We offer a traditional recipe for champignon soup puree. Tasty, unusual, satisfying and very fragrant soup with cream!

Ingredients: 600 gr. champignons, 800 ml of milk, 2 tbsp. l flour premium, a glass of water, onions, carrots, butter. For lezone: 2 yolks, a glass of cream.

Cooking method:

1. Mushrooms, naturally, wash and set aside from the total mass a little on the side. Pass the rest through a meat grinder (you can chop finely and finely), put them in a pan, add a spoonful of rast. butter, chopped carrots in large rings and a whole onion. We cover everything and simmer for about 40 minutes.

2. After time, pour vegetables and mushrooms with a glass of water and boil. Boil the mushrooms left on the side.

3. Slightly fry the flour with vegetable oil and dilute it with 4 cups of milk and 1 cup of water. Boil separately, and then pour in the stewed mushrooms, removing the carrots and onions, cook for 15 minutes, salting.

Before serving, season the resulting soup puree with a lezon (a mixture of cream and yolk) and boiled mushrooms left on the side dish. For soup, do not forget to serve croutons.

Recipe 3: Champignon Cream Soup

If everything is done correctly, the cream soup prepared according to this recipe will turn out to be very tender, with a pleasant velvet structure.

Ingredients: 400 gr. mushrooms, vegetable oil 1 tbsp. spoon, 50-70 gr. butter, leek 40 g, celery stalks 40 gr., half the onion head, chicken broth - 130-150 ml, 30 gr. flour, 800 ml of milk, 60 ml of fat cream, a little lemon juice, a pinch of basil, salt, pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Chop onion finely, leek and celery. Separate the mushroom caps from the legs, chop the legs and mix with vegetables in a bowl.

2. Cut the hats and add 2 handfuls to the chopped legs and vegetables. Heat the vegetable and butter and fry the mass without a lid for 2 minutes. Then cover and simmer for another 5-7 minutes, stirring occasionally.

3. Next, add flour and fry for 3 more minutes. Then slowly, with constant stirring, pour hot milk and chicken broth into the mass. Add a pinch of dry basil, salt and pepper. Cook until thick, stirring constantly.

4. Beat the sauce with a blender until smooth. Put on fire until boiling, then remove from heat, add lemon juice and cream. Cream of champignon soup is ready! Serve it advisable with bread croutons.

Recipe 4: Mushroom Salad

A huge number of mushroom salad recipes. This is due to the fact that mushrooms are perfectly combined with almost all ingredients. We will consider a salad with mushrooms and cheese - the most affordable and inexpensive option, but extremely tasty and satisfying.

Ingredients: 400 gr. mushrooms, 2 onions, 70 g of hard cheese, walnuts 100 gr. (peeled), 2 pickled cucumbers, mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

Boil the mushrooms in salt water, finely chop them into slices. Cut onions in half rings, fry, mix with mushrooms. Grate the cheese, cut the cucumbers into strips. Mix everything, add chopped nuts, season the salad with mayonnaise, add salt if necessary. Champignon salad is ready!

Recipe 5: Stuffed Mushrooms

We offer you a simple recipe for stuffed champignons with cheese. For a change, you can add nuts, ham or vegetables to the filling. Do not be afraid to experiment with the ingredients! Champignons and cheese can hardly be spoiled, but only improved.

Ingredients: 300 gr. large mushrooms, ground pepper, 1 onion, 100 gr. hard cheese, sour cream 2 tbsp. spoons, herbs if desired.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse and dry the mushrooms, carefully remove the legs, large hats a little clean from the pulp from the inside, so that they turn out like cups for filling. Next, salt and pepper these hats-molds and put them in a baking dish.

2. Grind the legs, the remains of the hats, too. Fry the chopped onion on the drain. oil. Add chopped mushrooms to the onion and fry for another 10 minutes.

5. Grate half the cheese (50 g), add the frying, add sour cream. Mix everything. The filling is ready!

6. Put it in the mushroom caps and sprinkle the remaining grated cheese on top. Put the mushrooms in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for fifteen minutes. Decorate the finished dish with finely chopped greens.

Recipe 6: Chicken with Mushrooms

Very simple and tasty dish! Fried-stewed chicken with mushrooms - the best option to cook lunch or dinner "on the fast hand" and surprise the household.

Ingredients: double chicken breasts - 1.5 pcs., 300 gr. champignons, 2 bunches of leeks, chicken stock 250 ml, salt, spices.

Cooking method:

We cut the breasts into large cubes, fry the fillet to a delicious crust. Cut the mushrooms into plates and fry in another bowl. Leek shred rings and complement them with mushrooms. When the onions with mushrooms are ready, fill them with broth and simmer a little (3 minutes). Next, add pieces of chicken to vegetables and simmer for another 5 minutes. Do not forget to sprinkle with spices, if necessary with salt. The dish is ready!

Recipe 7: Fried Mushrooms

Fried mushrooms with vegetables - hearty, simple, aromatic and very tasty food. The contrast of greens and carrots will add bright colors and enliven this dish. Great quick lunch!

Ingredients: 300 gr. mushrooms, 2 onions, 4 cloves of garlic, carrots - 1, greens to choose from, cooking oil.

Cooking method:

1. Onion cut into half rings, garlic and mushrooms - thin plastics, carrots - julienne, chop greens.

2. Fry the onions with garlic until a strong odor appears, slightly salt, add carrots and fry vegetables until the carrots soften.

3. Fill the mushrooms in a fry and fry them for another 5 minutes, no more. Try and add salt if necessary. The fried champignons are ready! Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

Recipe 8: Oven Mushrooms

A very versatile and inexpensive recipe. Suitable as an appetizer and side dish. Tasty both cold and hot.

Ingredients: kilogram of mushrooms, 200 gr. mayonnaise, tomato paste 50 gr., paprika (powder), pepper, salt, olive oil 2 tbsp.

Cooking method:

Make a sauce of mayonnaise and tomato paste, salt it, pepper, add paprika and olive oil. Mix thoroughly washed and dried mushrooms with sauce, put them in a greased form. We send the mushrooms to the oven preheated to 180-200 degrees and bake for ten minutes.

Recipe 9: Champignons with Sour Cream

This recipe is a fried champignon with sour cream. A fairly quick and easy way to cook mushrooms, but the dish is excellent. Delicate mushrooms stewed in sour cream with onions are perfect for any side dish. Cooking time is only 20 minutes.

Ingredients: 500 gr. champignons, 1 onion, 200 ml sour cream, ground pepper and salt.

Cooking method:

Cut the mushrooms into slices, and the onion into half rings. Put the mushrooms on a hot oil, lightly fry them, add onions. Fry everything until the liquid boils away, and the mushrooms begin to cover with a golden brown. At this point, add sour cream, salt and pepper. When the sour cream boils, cover the future dish with a lid and simmer over low heat until the moisture evaporates. Then remove the mushrooms from the stove, cool slightly. The dish can be served!

Recipe 10: Champignon Kebabs

The word "barbecue" is always associated with hot and juicy meat with piquant sourness. Although in fact there are a lot of ingredients from which to cook an unusual, juicy and tasty kebab. And one of these ingredients is champignons.

Ingredients: 600 gr. champignons, 150 gr. smoked bacon, 5-6 tomatoes, 3 large onion heads, mayonnaise, spices for mushrooms.

Cooking method:

1. Mix the spices with mayonnaise, put the washed and dried mushrooms with mayonnaise in a saucepan, shake well. Leave to marinate for 2-3 hours.

2. Thinly cut the fat, the tomatoes and the onion into rings. Now you need to string skewers on skewers, alternating mushrooms, vegetables and bacon. Fry kebabs of champignons must be over the coals for 5, maximum 10 minutes.

Recipe 11: Champignon Julienne

A wonderful hot appetizer in the classic format - champignon julienne. A successful combination of cheese and mushrooms baked in sauce makes the dish spicy and tender.

Ingredients: kilogram of mushrooms, half a glass of sour cream, a glass of milk, 250-300 gr. onions, cheese 50 gr., plums. oil 2 tbsp. l., the same amount of flour, pepper and salt.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the mushrooms, chop the straws and boil until half cooked. Next, throw them in a colander, let them dry slightly. Then overcook with chopped onions.

2. Prepare the sour cream sauce: melt the butter and gradually mix the flour into it until a homogeneous consistency is obtained, then, stirring constantly, pour in the milk and sour cream slowly. Heat the sauce a little, do not bring to a boil.

3. Pour the mushrooms with the resulting sauce and warm the dish with a slight boil for five minutes.

4. Portion molds (cocotte) generously grease with butter (can be creamy) and fill them with cooked mass. Sprinkle the top with grated hard cheese, pour the butter and bake in the oven until the cheese is melted. Champignon julienne is ready. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 12: Baked Salmon Mushrooms

Tender, spicy, aromatic, royal fish with an equally delicious product - champignons. Amazing combination! Give it a try!

Ingredients: 3 salmon steaks, 300 gr. champignons, balsamic vinegar 2 tablespoons, a bunch of dill, 2 l. lemon juice, zest with half a lemon, nutmeg, olive oil, salt and white pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse steaks, salt, spread with vinegar (1 spoon). Sprinkle dill on the fish.

2. Sprinkle with zest, leave a little zest. Pour steaks with lemon juice (1 spoon).

3. Rinse the champignons, chop and pour the remaining balsamic vinegar. Sprinkle with nut, salt to taste, pepper, sprinkle with the remaining dill, zest, sprinkle with lemon juice and olive oil.

4. Leave the mushrooms and fish separately marinated for an hour.

5. Next, cover the baking sheet with foil, grease it. We spread salmon and mushrooms. We send it to the oven, preheated to 200 gr., And bake until cooked for about half an hour. The meal is ready!

Champignon dishes - useful tips

Champignons - certainly a gorgeous dish! But it is worth considering that they contain a non-digestible element, which creates a certain load on the digestive tract. Therefore, it is not worth it to abuse these mushrooms, like any others.

The taste of champignons can be enhanced by adding to the mushrooms ingredients such as thyme, black pepper, garlic, onion, cream, sour cream. They do not tolerate a large amount of vinegar.

Dishes from champignons are better absorbed if they are finer chopped and boiled a little in salted water. During the cooking process, the "heavy" proteins contained in them are quickly transformed into an easily digestible form.


YOU 11/08/2016
WHY do they smell like medicine when cooking champignons?
How to get rid of it?
These are champignons 100%, but they are forest. Those. grow in the forest.

Anna 11/07/2016
In recipe 6 “Next, add chicken pieces to vegetables” what vegetables do you mean?

Seeds 08/23/2016
mushrooms you can add any weed, milk, sour cream, mayonnaise, etc., but not tomatoes and fr. I smell the mushrooms. I tried everything.


Watch the video: Make Perfect Sauteed Mushrooms - The Only Recipe You will Ever Need (June 2024).