The basis for treating bowel colitis is diet! Nutrition for intestinal colitis: a list of products and a sample menu for 7 days


Intestinal colitis is a disease that causes a lot of inconvenience and discomfort.

It manifests itself as an inflammatory process that occurs in the intestine and affects the mucous membrane.

Doctors divide this disease into two forms, acute and chronic. Colitis is treated comprehensively with the use of medications and special nutrition.

A diet for colitis of the intestine is prescribed by a doctor and contributes to a quick recovery.

When is it necessary to switch to special nutrition?

A diet is prescribed when a person is diagnosed with intestinal colitis. It can be determined independently and consult a doctor to clarify the disease and undergo the necessary examinations and tests.

Colitis can be recognized by the following symptoms:

• frequent rumbling in the abdomen;

• painful sensations;

• increased gas formation;

• violation of the stool;

• a feeling of weakness and fatigue;

• in rare cases, a slight increase in body temperature is possible.

Attacks with colitis occur abruptly and can last from three to ten days. When it appears, a person feels severe pain in the abdomen. In this case, you need to see a doctor. He will prescribe the necessary treatment and prescribe a suitable diet for you.

The basic principles of diet

There are two types of diet. They depend on the form of the disease. If the forms periodically alternate, then the nutrition will also change.

A diet for colitis of the intestine eliminates the use of foods that can provoke fermentation and putrefactive processes during digestion. Calorie intake is also limited; there should be no more than 2000 kcal per day.

Acute colitis diet

When the disease worsens, only a limited number of foods can be eaten. In the early days, the patient is undesirable to eat and you can only use liquid. This helps to cleanse the intestines. Then the doctor gradually begins to introduce light products.

These include:

• crackers;

• fruits;

• boiled eggs;

• vegetable soups with the addition of lean meat;

• fish of low-fat varieties;

• compotes from berries and fruits;

• cottage cheese;

• weak tea.

Dishes can be prepared from boiled, stewed and steamed products. You can not use seasonings and spices.

The duration of the diet will be prescribed by the doctor.

Diet for chronic colitis

In chronic colitis, you can use all the products from the allowed list. You can add low-fat salted fish, oranges, tangerines and grapefruits to them. More often use low-fat milk and kefir, compotes from berries, fruits and fruits, as well as natural juices.

Food should be varied. You need to eat at least five times a day. Products can be cooked, baked and stewed.

Products Approved

The disease is always accompanied by problems with stool. Nutrition depends on which stool the patient has. With constipation or diarrhea, different products are used that contribute to the speedy normalization.

For constipation, the following are allowed:

• soup made without meat using vegetables;

• broth cooked on lean meat without oil;

• non-fatty varieties of meat boiled or steamed;

• soups from low-fat fish (sea, river);

• non-greasy fish baked in the oven without oil or boiled;

• cells;

• buckwheat;

• barley;

• millet;

• fresh carrots;

• fresh tomato;

• fresh lettuce;

• boiled beets;

• boiled and boiled pumpkin;

• boiled zucchini;

• boiled cauliflower;

• boiled beans and peas;

• boiled sorrel;

• fresh or baked apples;

• dried fruits (prunes, raisins, figs, dried apricots);

• dairy drinks and milk;

• oil (vegetable, butter);

• fresh and dried greens (dill, parsley, bay leaf);

• cinnamon;

• celery;

• sugar and its substitutes;

• jam and honey;

• wheat and rye bread;

• biscuit;

• pies with dried fruits, meat, berries and cottage cheese.

With diarrhea, you can eat the following foods:

• soup boiled in a broth made of lean meats;

• rice broth;

• soup cooked from fruits;

• boiled beef or veal;

• chicken breast or boiled or boiled chicken;

• low-fat varieties of boiled fish;

• pasta or noodles cooked in a broth without fat;

• semolina;

• rice;

• fresh cottage cheese;

• kefir with a fat content of not more than 2.5%;

• butter (not more than 50 grams);

• crackers, from white grades of bread, soaked in water;

• boiled egg, (no more than 1 per day).

These products must be consumed with colitis of the intestine. When the stool is normalized, it is necessary to follow a diet for several days, and then you can expand the diet with products that the doctor will allow.

Prohibited Products

Diet for colitis of the intestine should be followed without deviations. It is forbidden to eat certain foods during such meals. They can cause deterioration and cause complications.

For constipation, the following foods are prohibited:

• strong and fatty broths;

• soup cooked with vermicelli or other pasta;

• soups and broths prepared with the addition of mushrooms;

• fried meat and fish;

• lamb, pork or fatty beef in any form;

• pasta;

• mushrooms in any form;

• semolina;

• wheat bread from the highest grade of flour;

• hot sauces and spices;

• mustard;

• red and black pepper;

• radish;

• turnip;

• radish is green and white;

• coffee;

• strong tea;

• chocolate.

With diarrhea, the following foods are prohibited:

• soup made from peas;

• soup made with beans and other legumes;

• side dishes from peas, beans or beans;

• spicy foods;

• milk;

• sweets (chocolate, caramel);

• marmalade;

• cakes (any);

• cakes (any);

• sugar (more than 45 grams within 24 hours).

A diet for colitis does not mean eating fatty, fried and smoked foods, as well as salty and spicy foods. Their use in the disease negatively affects its course.

Sample menu for 7 days

Diet for colitis of the intestine should consist only of permitted products. Meals should be frequent (about 6 times a day), but small. Dishes should not be hot or cold. Boiled, mashed products are best suited for eating.

1 day

For breakfast: coleslaw (colored) with the addition of walnuts (mashed), buckwheat. It can be seasoned with butter (natural). A decoction of berries.

Snack: You can eat a mashed apple.

For lunch: Low-fat beef, boiled with carrots and vegetable broth. Sugar-free fruit compote.

Snack: Dried fruits soaked in water and mashed to a puree state.

For dinner: Boiled and chopped low-fat fish.

2 day

For breakfast: Boiled vegetables and casserole from fresh cottage cheese with a compote of berries without sugar.

Snack: Baked pear, sprinkled with powdered (sugar).

For lunch: Soup with pearl barley and cabbage rolls, boiled rice wrapped in steamed white cabbage leaves.

Snack: Carrot (fresh) salad seasoned with freshly squeezed lemon juice.

For dinner: Boiled low-fat fish with a rosehip broth.

3 day

For breakfast: Boiled beef salad with cucumbers (fresh). Fried eggs from one egg with a decoction of dried fruits.

Snack: Salad of vegetables (fresh).

For lunch: Cabbage soup with boiled lean beef and tomatoes. Rosehip broth.

Snack: Dried fruits soaked in water without prunes.

For dinner: Chicken cutlets steamed with stewed assorted vegetables. Weak tea.

4 day

For breakfast: Tomato and cucumber (fresh) salad with onions without dressing. Rice porridge boiled in water.

Snack: Freshly mashed pear.

For lunch: Broth cooked on vegetables, low-fat meat patties, which are steamed and cauliflower, mashed in mashed potatoes.

Snack: Fresh, low-fat cottage cheese.

For dinner: Fruits (apples or pears).

5 day

For breakfast: Cutlets of low-fat fish, steamed with a salad of prefabricated vegetables. Stewed berries without added sugar.

Snack: Lean cookies with weak tea.

For lunch: Soup of vegetables and chicken breast.

Snack: Dried fruits soaked in water.

For dinner: Cottage cheese casserole with raisins.

6 day

For breakfast: Boiled oatmeal with steamed fish cutlets of low-fat varieties. Rosehip broth.

Snack: Shredded, fresh apple or pear.

For lunch: Boiled low-fat beef with precast vegetables. Fresh cottage cheese casserole and one glass of fat-free kefir.

Snack: Fresh apple salad seasoned with lemon juice.

For dinner: Cutlets, steamed chicken meat with low-fat kefir.

7 day

For breakfast: Fish of low-fat varieties, chopped and seasoned with lemon juice, mashed potatoes and weak tea.

Snack: Fresh apple salad.

For lunch: Cabbage soup on a weak meat broth, cottage cheese casserole with berries.

Snack: Boiled prefabricated vegetables.

For dinner: Cutlets or meatballs made from beef on water with baked vegetables and tea (weak).

Two hours before bedtime, it is allowed to drink one glass of kefir with a fat content of not more than 2.0% or a weak, sweetened tea. Dishes can be prepared only from permitted products by cooking, stewing or baking methods.

Colitis of the intestine gives a person a lot of discomfort and discomfort. This disease must be treated under the supervision of a doctor and follow all its recommendations. A diet with colitis of the intestine will help to recover more quickly and subsequently avoid a repeat of the disease.


Watch the video: Living with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis? What you eat can affect how you feel. (June 2024).