In the USA, an adopted child from Russia was presented to friends as a regular gift


Another scandal surrounding an adopted child from Russia, which occurred in the United States, gave rise to once again think about the advisability of adopting Russian children by foreign citizens. The incredibly cruel act of a US citizen shocked the whole world.

According to media reports, a resident of the state of Massachusetts, who executed all the documents in the guardianship authorities and took custody of a two-year-old citizen of the Russian Federation Denis, presented the boy to her large friends who, during all this time, raised a child. At the end of the year, the guardianship authorities were able to find out that the boy adopted in 2011 in the Voronezh region was brought up by completely different people. To justify her act, the woman affirmatively stated that Denis could not arouse warm feelings in her soul and heart.

According to the information collected by the Russia 24 television channel, not only the Russian consulate, but also the local US authorities will understand this difficult matter. What punishment awaits the woman is still unknown.

With such a ridiculous situation, guardianship authorities had already encountered in late September. Adopters from the United States - the American family of Shed and Christy Traylorov - abused a child from Russia - Maxim Babaev. They mocked and beat the child, as a result of which they were detained last year on suspicion of ill-treatment of the child, but the court found the family not guilty and closed the day, for which the Russian Foreign Ministry demanded clarification from the American authorities. How to end the proceedings with unsuccessful American parents is not yet known.


Watch the video: A Family That Adopted 4 Kids in 24 Hours Gets a Life-Changing Surprise. Rachael Ray Show (June 2024).