TOP 9 countries prohibiting the export of the most unexpected items


People planning to spend the New Year abroad are already starting to buy permits. From there, of course, they will want to bring home souvenirs. But each country has its own laws that prohibit the export of certain items, sometimes the most unexpected.

  • Singapore. The authorities of this city-country have long been famous for various bans. Now they have tabooed regular video discs.
  • Egypt. The country of camels and pyramids forbids tourists to take out corals. And it may even impose a fine within a thousand dollars.
  • Madagascar. A prison sentence is provided to persons wishing to take out a butterfly.
  • Venezuela. The customs of this country does not allow the carrying of unexpired postage stamps.
  • SOUTH AFRICA. Customs officers of this African Republic pick up porcupine needles and any items made from them.
  • India. This country prohibits the export of their money! If you find rupees at your border, they will immediately force you to change at an unprofitable exchange rate for dollars. So it’s better to change immediately yourself.
  • Australia. It prohibits the export of products from the skin of alligators. As well as coral jewelry and crafts.
  • Dominican Republic. Here orchids are carefully guarded and, accordingly, are not allowed to export them.
  • New Zealand. How strange, but you can not take the fruits of kiwi with you on the road.


Watch the video: 10 Unusual Items Banned From Import Around The World (June 2024).