What dreams of chicken eggs


The variety of dreams is limitless. During a period when a person sleeps, his mind visits many night visions, some of them are inspired by reality events, others dream with a specific purpose and to understand their essence you should contact the book of dreams, namely the dream book, which has answers to almost all questions about This or that night phenomenon.

Quite often in dreams, people find eggs in different states, so it is extremely important to remember as many facts about sleep as possible so that after waking up one can correctly interpret the reason for such an interesting phenomenon.

As a rule, if a chicken egg dreams in good condition, then this is a positive sign, if it is broken, then the dream may carry a more negative interpretation.

Dreamed chicken eggs in a dream what is it

If you rely on most interpretations of dream books, then such a dream can dream to positive things means a new period in life, well-being.

Have eggs on dream wangi - this means all living things, the whole world, new beginnings.

If sleeping dreamed that he broke itthen this is a bad sign for planet Earth and something negative may happen soon that will be connected with the space bodies flying past.

Miller such a product represents material profit and wealth.

If you dreamed a broken egg, but fresh, then Miller interprets this as a possible generous gift of fate for the sleeper, which he will receive shortly.

Many eggs what dreams

Many chicken eggsu - the sleeper expects great success in all his affairs, but if he saw a lot of painted things, then we should expect home quarrels and omissions with relatives.

If krashenki exclusively redThe dream book foreshadows good news soon.

Roll them in a dream - to profit, good news, fertile harvest.

Collect a lot in the hen house - It means the labors of the sleeper will soon pay off, which will bring a lot of unexpected joy.

Dreamed of being broken in a dream what is it

If you dream of broken chicken eggs - there will be a quarrel in the family, other unpleasant events, or material problems.

But when dreamed that the sleeper himself breaks it, it’s likely that in reality he will be able to solve problems or learn new information previously unknown to him.

If he dreamed of a large number of broken eggs, the dream book warns him to become more attentive to his daily and work affairs. Since this means that the plan was not destined to be fulfilled through the fault of the sleeper.

BUT if they were still rotten, the obstacles in the working process appear because of competitors, detractors.

What dreams of a woman's eggs

Usually, see chicken eggs to woman - to experiences and anxieties in home life.

Broken - the dream book claims that fate is preparing a surprise for her. There is an opportunity to become a favorite with some people according to their own merits.

Collect them from the nest in a dream - wealth and successful marriage.

If a dreamed a basket filled with this product - sleeping awaits participation in some good bargain.

Spoiled - troubles in business, problems with business.

If dreamed raw eggs what does that mean

When dream of raw chicken eggsthen the dream book is a pointer to relationships with other people.

If they are large, the dreamer will have a good time with old friends.

See in the nest - a sign that you can trust your family your problems and life turmoil.

Engage in picking up withThe old chicken embryos that the chicken has just laid - the distrust of the beloved, to watch the chickens hatch them - to have a good time with your loved one.

Drink its raw chicken - the emergence of disagreements with the authorities because of their own mistakes.

Why dream of boiled eggs

Boiled eggs dream chicken often to various events in his personal life.

If they had a dream at the time of preparation - you will treacherous act from the beloved.

Get them out of the bowl or pan. - to solve the problem.

If you dream that the sleeper puts them in the fridge - he is in love without a response, but if the dreamer pulls them out, we should expect reciprocity.

If half dreamed - This is to a beautiful night of love or to a good romantic evening.

Boiled chicken dreams of a woman - the dream book says that it is to the fact that it is possible to gossip about her and weave intrigues behind her back. It is also a sign of receiving quick, unforeseen material wealth.


Watch the video: What does eggs dreams mean? - Dream Meaning (June 2024).