What is breast osteochondrosis: causes, consequences. Which doctor to go to and what to treat with breast osteochondrosis


Osteochondrosis is a dangerous and insidious disease of the musculoskeletal system.

The essence of the pathological process is the development of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spinal column. Most often, osteochondrosis affects the lumbar and cervical spine, but in some cases, damage to the thoracic region is also found.

The most susceptible to this disease are elderly people. According to statistics, patients over 60 account for up to 80% of all cases of osteochondrosis.

Osteochondrosis is dangerous with complications: slowly, but steadily progressing, this disease leads to disability. In order not to miss the moment, it is important to know exactly what breast osteochondrosis is, what are its causes and how it is treated.

Causes of Thoracic Osteochondrosis

There are a great many causes of thoracic osteochondrosis: some of them are caused by an incorrect lifestyle and bad habits. In most cases, the adverse effects of such factors on the human body can be smoothed out, it all depends on the discipline of the patient himself. Among the reasons:

Heredity. Not the last role in the occurrence of osteochondrosis is played by genetic factors. Of course, osteochondrosis itself is not inherited, but it is precisely by inheritance from the ancestors to the descendants that the characteristics of the musculoskeletal system pass. If there are people in the family suffering from this disease, the risk of development increases at times. The more incentive to monitor your health.

Obesity. Excess weight contributes to the rapid wear of the entire musculoskeletal system. It is enough to give one analogy. Who will be healthier: a person who is light or someone who carries a bag of potatoes of tens of kilograms every day and without a break?

Endocrine pathology. Hypothalamic syndrome, Itsenko-Cushing's disease, thyrotoxicosis, etc. These diseases cause softening of bone tissue. As a result, the spine wears out in just a few years, there is osteochondrosis, hernia.

Adverse environmental conditions.

Scoliosis. Due to scoliosis, osteochondrosis occurs even in children.

Excessive physical exertion. The spine is like an elastic spring. When lifting large weights, this physiological spring is compressed to significant limits. Damage and rapid wear occur. As a result of such an overstrain, back problems develop.

Long static loads. It seems to be in an uncomfortable position.

Smoking, alcohol abuse.

• Related diseases of the musculoskeletal system (especially if the legs are affected).

All these causes of breast osteochondrosis adversely affect a person. However, as already mentioned, the potentially sick person himself can level the effect of harmful factors on the body. It is enough to adhere to the rules of prevention.

Risk groups

There are categories of people more often suffering from osteochondrosis. Among them:

• Persons professionally engaged in manual labor. These are athletes, loaders, mechanics, etc. The spine is not adapted for constant overloads.

• Office workers. Hypodynamia causes stagnant processes in the musculoskeletal system.

• Pupils, students. And all persons constantly in a sitting position.

• Elderly people.

• Persons suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, especially when it comes to the legs. The load in this case is distributed unevenly.

The first symptoms of breast osteochondrosis

The first symptoms of breast osteochondrosis are clearly distinguishable, but not specific. This means that under the pathology of the musculoskeletal system can mimic anything. In order to distinguish pathologies, doctors resort to many diagnostic measures. Needless to say, it's impossible to figure it out on your own?

The signs of breast osteochondrosis are as follows:

Pain syndrome. Pain of medium intensity, monotonous, aching. Manifest regardless of the time of day, amplified by movements with hands, physical activity. At the developed stages, the pain syndrome becomes even stronger.

Paresis of the upper limbs. Observed more often with osteochondrosis, accompanied by intervertebral hernias.

Feeling of numbness in the hands. It occurs due to pinching of the nerve roots at the chest level. Most often, the forearms and hands are numb.

Crawling creeps on upper limbs.

Heart rhythm disturbances. They are rare. This is an extremely dangerous sign of breast osteochondrosis.

Breathing problems. Meet also infrequently.

The last two symptoms indicate a complicated process. In this case, in no case should you postpone a visit to the doctor.

Diagnosis of breast osteochondrosis

Diagnostic measures begin at the initial appointment with a specialist. But a logical question arises: which doctor should I contact? Need to contact to the orthopedic surgeon and neurologist. It is these doctors who treat the described disease in tandem: musculoskeletal manifestations of the disease - an orthopedist, neurological symptoms - a neurologist.

Examinations start with an oral examination of the patient for his complaints. In medical language, this procedure is called history taking. After collecting the anamnesis, the turn of physical research comes. The specialist palpates the affected areas and looks at the physiological response of the patient. Already at this stage, one can suspect something is wrong with the spine. All points above the "and" place the data of instrumental research. Among them:

X-ray of the thoracic spine. It makes it possible to evaluate the bone structures of the spinal column. It does not give a clear picture and depends on the professionalism of the diagnostician, therefore it cannot be considered a universal remedy.

MRI / CT diagnostics. It is considered the gold standard in diagnosing spinal problems. However, due to the high cost it is rarely prescribed.

Laboratory studies for osteochondrosis of the thoracic region are not very informative. As a rule, they demonstrate a detailed picture of the inflammatory process with increased ESR, leukocytosis, etc.

Treatment of breast osteochondrosis

There are several treatments for breast osteochondrosis. Therapies include:

• Drug treatment.

• Physiotherapy.

• exercise therapy.

• Surgical treatment.

The latter is resorted to in extreme cases, when conservative treatment does not help.

The main tactics of therapy is to relieve an acute condition and further support the body. They cope with the first with medicines, the second task is solved with the help of exercise therapy and physiotherapy.

Drug treatment includes:

• Taking anti-inflammatory drugs.

• Taking analgesics (to relieve pain).

• The use of antispasmodics and muscle relaxants in order to eliminate pathological muscle tension (hypertonicity).

In addition to these drugs, steroidal anti-inflammatory (in extreme cases) can be prescribed. In order to stop the pathological process and at least partially reverse it, chondroprotectors are prescribed.

The names of drugs, types of physiotherapy and other subtleties of therapy are determined only by the doctor. Do not self-medicate.

Prevention of breast osteochondrosis

No matter how trite it may sound, the disease is easier to prevent than to later invest heavily in your own spoiled health. Fortunately, thoracic osteochondrosis is quite simple to prevent. For this, it is enough to adhere to simple preventive rules. Prevention of breast osteochondrosis is as follows:

• It is recommended to refuse physical activity of high intensity. For objective reasons, this may not be possible. Then you should take breaks every half an hour or an hour. Also, manual workers are advised to carefully, and not jerkily lift heavy loads.

• Do not overcool. Chest, lower back and neck should be warm.

• It is recommended that office workers and everyone who leads a sedentary lifestyle (including schoolchildren) do light exercises every hour.

• You cannot be in the same position for a long time.

Osteochondrosis is harmless only at first glance. This is a serious and almost irreversible disease, inexorably progressing from year to year. At the first sign, even remotely similar to the onset of osteochondrosis, it is worthwhile to see a doctor.


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