Varieties of diet for the abdomen and sides for women: how to lose weight "apple"? Diet for the abdomen and sides for women: principles and menus


In pursuit of imposed images from magazine covers, ideal parameters, millions of modern women and girls are ready to try everything in order to achieve the desired.

Often, improperly selected diets help to lose weight, but not from the places where I would like to - in the first place, the chest is losing weight, but the unloved sides and stomach remain.

According to a special dietary technique, you can make yourself a flat stomach and remove the sides without harming other parts of the body.

General principles and essence of the diet for the abdomen and sides for women: what you can and cannot eat

No matter how much the trainers and advertising slogans promise, you can completely remove excess fat from the abdomen and sides only with the help of a diet. The developed technique has a local effect, eliminating adipose tissue from problem areas and correcting other places.

The main feature of the diet for the abdomen and sides for women is a complete rejection of alcohol and smoking. These two bad habits have a negative effect on the metabolic processes in the body, and the low-alcohol drink beer is responsible for the increased production of female hormones in the body, which leads to the accumulation of fat deposits in the abdomen. Therefore, it is not surprising that it is not possible to lose weight simultaneously with the presence of such habits.

The diet for eliminating fat deposits from the sides and abdomen is based on the principle of fractional nutrition - this means that food should be taken in small portions, but more often than usual - 5-6 times a day. You need to eat every 2-3 hours, getting up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. The feeling of fullness usually comes 15 minutes after eating, and this should be used.

Among the allowed products, the most priority for the diet can be distinguished:

• eggs, skim milk products - cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, which saturate the body with calcium, reduce bad cholesterol and help improve digestion;

• porridge - rice, buckwheat, oatmeal - suppress hunger, rich in healthy carbohydrates;

• a variety of fruits, berries, vegetables - you can make salads, drink freshly squeezed juices, eat fresh and steamed, as these fruits are sources of fiber, vitamins and nutrients;

• meat and fish - choose non-fat (diet) varieties;

• legumes such as beans, lentils, peas give the body protein and do not allow fats to be stored.

Also, to diversify the diet menu is permissible with such products:

• sunflower seeds and nuts;

• dairy products;

• oils - olive and sunflower;

• seafood.

The following foods should be consumed as much as possible to limit, and it is better to exclude completely from the diet. Among them:

1. Salt, which retains water in the body and interferes with the normal course of metabolism. You can try to replace the salt with natural seasonings - pepper, mustard, horseradish, but you should not abuse them. Their number should be minimal.

2. Sugar - This sweet is considered a storehouse of "empty" carbohydrates, which are converted in the body into body fat. Limit should consumption of jam, sweets, chocolate, butter and confectionery. A small amount of honey, dried fruits, and fresh fruits can serve as a substitute for sugar.

3. Flour products and pastries - The first to turn into fatty folds, so they need to be discarded for sure and their heavy carbohydrates.

4. Fast food, convenience foods, smoked meats, pickles, sauces - All these products are saturated with flavorings, flavor enhancers that only harm the body.

5. Alcoholic, soda and sweet drinks rich in sugar and preservatives. These fluids adversely affect digestion and overall health.

6. Packaged juices and coffee.

7. Margarine.

8. Whole milk.

9. Canned food.

10. fried food.

In order for the diet to eliminate fat from the waist and sides to work more efficiently, you need to drink more fluid. The optimal amount per day is 2 liters of purified, filtered or mineral water without gas. You can supplement the total amount of liquid with herbal decoction or green tea.

Varieties and examples of menus in the diet for the abdomen and sides for women

An example of a ready-made menu for 1 day:

1. First, you need to drink a glass of water on an empty stomach. Then, during the day, you will also need to drink water, but make sure that this does not happen immediately after eating.

2. After 30 minutes, you can start breakfast - you can cook fried eggs, serve with a slice of boiled poultry, supplement with a couple of pieces of cheese and low-fat yogurt. An alternative meal will consist of buckwheat porridge or a side dish of beans. It is allowed in the morning to drink tea without sugar, sweeteners or milk.

3. Lunch should be light and unobtrusive. You can eat a green apple, yogurt or drink kefir - to choose from.

4. Lunch should be full and satisfying - you can cook meat broth (a portion of one cup and a slice of meat), vegetable salad (a combination of ingredients - tomato, pepper, cucumber, onion), which can be seasoned with butter, dried apricots and tea will become a dessert.

5. Snack - one fruit or vegetable to choose from. For this menu, again take a green apple or bell pepper.

6. For dinner, prepare a side dish of sauerkraut, complement it with a slice of meat, fish or seafood salad. It is important that you need to cook meat or fish without any spices and especially butter. You can finish your meal with tea without sugar.

7. The last meal may include a piece of lean meat - a small portion up to 150 g or a glass of low-fat kefir.

With such a diet, you can get rid of unnecessary kilograms on the sides and stomach for a month. The main advantage of the diet is that it will burn fat tissue, and not leave the water, as is the case in fast or low-quality diets. After its completion, you can not be afraid that the weight will soon return to its usual places.

There are options and faster, but they are more radical, allow you to solve the problem in a week:

1. Kefir-cucumber diet - mono-diet type food, where you need to drink a liter of low-fat kefir per day and eat about 1 kg of cucumbers.

2. Cottage cheese and fruit - you can alternate fruits, you need to eat up to 4 pieces a day and not more than 1 kg of low-fat cottage cheese.

Important Nutrition Points for the Belly and Side Diet for Women

What are the secrets of a slender waist and a figure without sides:

1. You need to drink water on an empty stomach - half an hour before breakfast, it is enough to drink a glass of water to start the intestines. If you add a few drops of lemon juice to the water, the metabolic processes will accelerate.

2. The skin needs constant hydration - after the bathing procedures, it will be advisable to apply a cream with tightening properties on it to make the surface more elastic.

3. Speed ​​up the process of losing weight wraps. Regular procedures based on seaweed or coffee give excellent results in combination with proper nutrition.

4. Exercise improves diet efficiency. For the abdomen and sides, you can choose a special complex and try to perform it daily.

At its core, a diet to reduce the sides and abdomen in women resembles the principles of a healthy diet:

• meals in fractional portions;

• the day must begin with breakfast, you also need a full dinner;

• you need to eat as many salads from vegetables and herbs as possible; you are allowed to season them with vegetable oil;

• Citrus fruits must be present in the diet.

You can eat right and lose weight only by following these rules:

1. Creating a negative energy balance - can be achieved in two ways: either reduce the amount of food consumed, or reduce the number of calories.

2. Consumption of a certain amount of energy.

3. A balanced diet.

4. The use of additional vitamin and mineral complexes.

5. The inclusion of physical activity in the daily routine.

There is a number of contraindications in the diet. It is impossible for women to lose weight in this way with diseases of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, anemia, unstable pressure - lowered, increased acidity of the stomach or cholesterol.
