Creamy fish soup is an alternative to ear. The best recipes for fish soup with cream of salmon, mackerel, pollock, trout and pink salmon


Fish soup can be prepared from almost any sea or river fish. It can be fresh, salted or smoked. The difference will only be in its preliminary processing.

The main thing is that in any case, the soup will be aromatic and healthy. And if you add cream to it, then the consistency of the broth will be so soft and delicate that it will be impossible to resist. With its creamy and milky taste, even the most fastidious gourmets will like such a soup.

Creamy fish soup - general cooking principles

Before preparing the soup, the fish must first be gutted, remove all unnecessary and wash if necessary. Salty fish should first be soaked in water to remove excess salt.

Fresh fish should be cooked until cooked. Salty and smoked fish - until the water boils. It is advisable to strain the broth so that it does not leave small bones.

Vegetables can be boiled immediately with the fish or passivated and added at the very end of cooking.

Before you add cream to the soup, you first need to warm them up, or boil them. It is better to add cream in small portions to a boiling broth, then immediately remove the dish from the heat.

Ready soup should be allowed to brew for a couple of minutes.

Fish soup with salmon cream


• a pound of salmon (you can soup set);

• one potato tuber;

• one onion;

• one carrot;

• 40 g butter;

• 40 g of millet groats;

• parsley;

• 140 ml cream;

• salt;

• ground pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Clean salmon, wash, pour water in a pan. Turn on strong heat and cook until boiling. Remove the foam. Continue to cook over moderate heat.

2. Pull out the fish and strain the broth. So remove all the small bones that may be in the broth.

3. Wash, peel and wash the potatoes again. Then chop. You can use any slicing method, but preferably with a cube, since millet is used in the soup. Slicing all products should be similar.

4. Peel and wash the carrots and onions. Then cut into small cubes.

5. Sort parsley, pour cool water and dry in a few minutes. Finely chopped.

6. Pour washed millet into the broth, bring to a boil. Do not forget to stir.

7. After putting the potatoes. When the soup boils, remove the foam.

8. Make a passer of chopped carrots and onions in butter. Put it in the soup. Cook for 10 minutes.

9. Add salt and pepper to an almost ready soup.

10. Separate the flesh of boiled fish from the bones, cut it into cubes and send to soup.

11. When the potatoes are soft and the cereals are boiled, add cream at room temperature to the soup and bring to a boil.

12. Fill the greens and turn off the heating of the soup.

13. Serve by spilling on deep plates and sprinkling with croutons.

Cream Soup with Canned Mackerel


• one can of canned mackerel;

• 40 g of rice groats;

• one carrot;

• one onion;

• half sweet pepper;

• vegetable oil;

• 190 ml cream (fat does not matter);

• a pinch of dry mint or a sprig of fresh;

• a pinch of dry basil;

• salt;

• ground pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the rice until the water is clear, put it in a saucepan, pour clean water and put on fire. When the water boils, reduce the heat to a moderate state.

2. Peel and wash the carrots, peppers and onions. Cut vegetables into small cubes. Fry in vegetable oil until soft, first onion with carrots, then add sweet pepper to them. Send a ready-made pass to rice. Cook for a few minutes.

3. Wash and open the can of canned food. In large pieces, send the fish to the soup.

4. Add salt, pepper and dried herbs there. If you use fresh herbs, you must first sort them, wash, chop and add to the soup last.

5. At the moment when the rice is completely ready (this can be checked for taste and appearance), pour the warmed cream into the soup. Boil.

6. Ready soup served with vegetable or mushroom salad.

Creamy trout fish soup


• 350 g of trout;

• two onions;

• 80 g of parsley root;

• two carrots;

• 3 potato tubers;

• 30 g of wheat flour;

• 180 mg cream;

• two processed cheeses;

• 40 g butter;

• a couple of peas of allspice;

• salt;

• two bay leaves;

• ground black pepper;

• a few pinches of a mixture of dry greens.

Cooking method:

1. Trout clean, wash, chop coarsely and put to cook.

2. Wash one onion and one carrot, cut in half and put the inside on a greased baking sheet in a preheated oven. Bake for about 15 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 ° C. Then pull out the vegetables and put in the broth to the fish. There also send washed and peeled parsley root, bay leaf and peppercorns.

3. When the fish is cooked (while the flesh of the fish will easily move away from the bones), remove the fish and strain the broth.

4. Separate the fish from the bones and set aside for now.

5. Peel, wash and chop the potatoes.

6. Peel, wash and finely chop the onion with carrots. Make a passivation and send it to a boiling broth.

7. Add potatoes to the soup. Cook until cooked.

8. Put finely chopped processed cheese in the soup. Mix.

9. Slightly warm the wheat flour in a dry frying pan until a brownish tint. Send her to the soup.

10. When all the products in the soup are fully cooked, add warmed cream, salt, dried herbs and ground pepper to the soup. Insist everything for 20 minutes.

11. Serve with brown bread and fresh herbs.

Creamy fish soup with smoked salmon and cream


• 250 g of smoked pink salmon;

• 300 g of potato tubers;

• one onion;

• half the average carrot;

• 35 g butter;

• 130 ml cream;

• 2 tbsp. l without top wheat flour;

• a pinch of nutmeg;

• salt.

Cooking method:

1. Wash smoked fish and place in a pan, add water and start cooking.

2. Peel potatoes, wash from dirt and cut into cubes.

3. Peel and wash the carrots and onions. Dice, passivate.

4. When the fish is ready, pull it out of the pan and chop. If there are bones, a head and fins, then remove them.

5. Strain the broth, bring to a boil and put the potatoes in there, and after a few minutes, passivation.

6. Sift the flour and dry it in a dry frying pan until a brownish tint forms.

7. Heat the cream separately or bring to a boil.

8. When the vegetables are half cooked, put chopped fish in the soup, cook for several minutes.

9. Then grind the soup with a submersible blender to a puree smooth mass.

10. After putting the soup back on heat and add cream, flour, salt, nutmeg. Mix. Wait until the soup boils and turn off the heat.

11. Serve with breadcrumbs.

Creamy Spicy Fish Soup


• 420 g fillet of any sea fish;

• a couple of cloves of garlic;

• one onion;

• 2 tbsp. l wheat flour;

• 2 tbsp. l lemon juice;

• 120 ml cream;

• several branches of green thyme, dill and cilantro;

• Bay leaf;

• 0.2 g cloves;

• a pinch of white pepper powder;

• a pinch of dry ginger;

• salt.

Cooking method:

1. Peel, wash, chop large fish. Place the pieces in a pan and pour cold water. Put to cook. Remove pop-up foam.

2. Peel and wash the onion, then dry and insert the clove buds into it. Put the onion in the pan to the fish.

3. Sort the branches of thyme, dill and cilantro, wash and finely chop.

4. Peel and chop the garlic.

5. When the fish is cooked, remove it from the pan, remove the bones and chop finely.

6. Strain the broth and put on heat, put fish, spices, salt, garlic and herbs in it. Cook for about 5-7 minutes.

7. Heat the cream and add it to the soup with the flour diluted with broth. Boil.

8. A few seconds before turning off the heat, add lemon juice to the soup.

9. Serve garnished with lemon slices and herbs.

Puree fish soup with cream, pollock and mushrooms


• 650 g fillet of pollock;

• 170 ml of cream;

• two onions;

• two champignons;

• one carrot;

• a couple of parsley branches;

• 2 tbsp. l wheat flour;

• 30-35 ml of vegetable oil;

• salt.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the fish fillet, divide into two parts. One part put to cook along with half peeled and washed carrots.

2. Slice the second part of the fish and put the stew together with the pre-chopped onion and the remaining carrots. After 10 minutes add the mushrooms cut into the plates.

3. Dry the flour in a dry frying pan until brownish, dilute with vegetable oil and 100 ml of broth from the pan.

4. Remove the fish fillet from the broth and chop coarsely with boiled carrots.

5. Grind stewed vegetables with mushrooms and fish to a state of gruel with a blender.

6. Strain the broth, put on heat and add mashed potatoes from stewed ingredients and flour in the broth. Put chopped fish with carrots and cook for a couple of minutes.

7. Add cream, boil for another 5 minutes and let it brew.

8. Serve garnished with parsley branches.

Creamy fish soup - tips and tricks

• It is not advisable to digest the fish, otherwise it will turn out dry.

• When making soup from salted, smoked or canned fish, it is better to add salt at the end so as not to oversalt the dish.

• It is advisable to add greens during the boiling of soup, otherwise it will lose its green color and will be brown.

• Cream of any fat content is suitable for soup, the taste of this will not change much.

• If desired, you can use several types of fish in the soup at once.


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