Heparin ointment - equally successfully treat hemorrhoids and bruises? What helps heparin ointment, how to use it


Heparin ointment is a reliable, time-tested medicine. It is widely used to treat various pathologies associated with increased thrombosis.


Heparin ointment is packed in aluminum tubes. The amount of ointment can be 10 or 25 g. It has a soft, viscous consistency. Top covered with special foil. The cap at the top has a sharp protrusion with a recess. With it, it is easy to open the tube. Available in packs with the attached instructions. It must be carefully studied in order to know what helps and for which diseases heparin ointment should not be used. Ointment refers to combination drugs.

It consists of:

• Heparin sodium 100 international units. It is also produced in the cells of the liver, prevents thrombosis.

• Benzocaine 40 mg. Reduces the intensity of pain. When applied topically, it immediately begins to act.

• Benzyl nicotinate 800 mcg. It is a derivative of nicotinic acid. Expands blood vessels and improves blood supply to organs. Improves heparin absorption

Thanks to these components, the amount of fibrin in the blood decreases. Fibrin is a protein that enhances blood coagulation. Heparin ointment dissolves existing blood clots and prevents the formation of new ones.

Apply the ointment with a thin layer, completely capturing the affected area.

It can be used independently for several days. The duration and necessity of its use should be determined by the doctor.

Contraindications and side effects

If the use of ointment has developed negative symptoms, then the drug must be stopped.

Contraindications are:

• Disorders of the blood coagulation system: thrombocytopenia, hemophilia.

• Individual response.

• Bleeding wounds.

• Necrosis and ulcers.

If a question arises from what heparin ointment will help, it must be borne in mind that the drug has side effects. It can be bleeding, local hemorrhagic reaction, allergic manifestations.

What helps heparin ointment

This medicine is often used for various diseases associated with pathology of the blood coagulation system.


• Varicose disease of any localization.

• Thrombophlebitis of superficial or deep veins.

• Complications after intravenous injection (infiltrates, phlebitis).

• Lymphostasis of the upper or lower extremities.

• Injuries, hematomas of various sizes, soft tissue injuries.

• Hemorrhoidal thrombosis.

• Trophic ulcers on the legs.

• Lymphangitis.

If there is any doubt about the need for use, then you need to consult a doctor. During pregnancy and lactation, the ointment should be used carefully. Apply it only when there are no risks to the fetus or newborn.

Options for using heparin ointment

This medicine is used not only for the treatment of various diseases. Considering what helps heparin ointment, one can note a lot of experience in using it for cosmetic purposes. Depending on various diseases, there are features of its use.

With varicose veins

By acting on the valvular apparatus of the veins, this ointment will improve blood circulation in the affected organ. If there are no trophic disorders, then you can evenly distribute the medicine on the surface of the skin

If skin integrity (ulcers) is violated, then heparin ointment is not applied to this area.

Rub it with light movements. You can not massage the area of ​​inflammation in order to prevent the movement of the blood clot.

Heparin will relieve inflammation and reduce swelling. With the help of this ointment, it is possible to reduce damage to capillaries, to improve the permeability of the vascular wall.

From cellulite and stretch marks

With the use of heparin, blood microcirculation improves, stagnation in the tissues decreases.

The ointment can be applied with massage movements or use wraps. Rub the problem areas and wrap with plastic wrap. This procedure should be carried out once a day, in the evening. The skin will become more elastic, smooth. Bumps and stretch marks will decrease. The visible effect will be noticeable after a week of use.

With hematomas and bruises

With extensive hematomas and severe bruises, a consultation with a traumatologist is required.

Minor damage can be treated at home. You can not use this tool if there are wounds on the skin. Regardless of what these injuries occurred, heparin ointment will help quickly relieve swelling and reduce pain.

To do this, intensively rub the ointment into the bruise. This must be done several times a day.

After applying the ointment, a short-term local redness is possible. It will pass in 10-15 minutes. Thanks to the action of heparin, subcutaneous bruising will resolve quickly.

From seals after injections

Sometimes intravenous or intramuscular injections are performed incorrectly. Dense, painful bumps may form on the hands or buttocks.

The use of heparin ointment will quickly get rid of these troubles.

It can be applied in the form of compresses or rub the inflamed area. A few days of intake is usually enough to resolve the seals.

From swelling and bruising under the eyes

If blood flow is disturbed, bags and bruises appear under the eyes. Especially often this happens in people who spend a lot of time in front of a computer.

The skin of this area is very sensitive. The ointment should not be rubbed, but applied with patting movements. At least twice a day.

Heparin penetrates well into the deeper layers of the skin and improves its tone. The components of this drug prevent thrombosis. Therefore, with the systematic use of this ointment, the vessels narrow, not so much visible under the skin. A cosmetic defect becomes less noticeable.


This medication can cope with shallow wrinkles. Thanks to the action of its constituent components, the skin is cleansed. Becomes more fit. It works well on facial wrinkles. When using the ointment, do not forget to moisturize with nourishing creams.

With hemorrhoids

In this case, you can use several applications:

• Heparin ointment lubricates extended hemorrhoidal nodes. Repeat several times a day.

• Apply the medicine in a thick layer on a twisted bandage or napkin. Enter into the anus.

• A medicine is applied to the cotton pad. Apply to the affected area. Hold for several hours.

As a result of the use of heparin ointment, the blood liquefies, the formed clots decrease. There will be no re-formation of blood clots.

Analogs of heparin ointment

These include:

• Troxevasin. It has more venotonic effect. Improves vascular tone, increases blood supply to tissues. May be in the form of an ointment, gel or capsule.

Lyoton gel. The main active ingredient is heparin. Its advantage is that the gel is absorbed faster when applied.

Trombless plus. The composition additionally includes substances that stimulate tissue regeneration. He is able to heal trophic ulcers.

Dolobene. It has an antithrombotic effect. Prevents platelet aggregation (gluing).

Hepatrombin. It also includes a corticosteroid drug - prednisone. This drug can also be used for allergic reactions.

Heparin ointment is intended only for application to the skin or mucous membranes. Usually it is prescribed 2-3 times a day. To determine the course of treatment, you must consult a doctor.


Watch the video: Heparin: Blood Thinner or Anticoagulant Drug Used to Prevent Blood Clots (June 2024).