How do men of different zodiac signs break off a relationship?


Relationships carry both joy and pain, and the most terrible thing is parting. Each man has a different attitude to the engagement, and often this is due to the sign of the zodiac he was born under. This is how a man breaks relations depending on his solar sign.


Aries falls in love quickly, but disappears even faster. When Aries wants to put an end to the relationship, you will be surprised to not understand what went wrong. Those born under this sign do not put off their decisions, knowing that this will do both more harm than parting. Do not argue with Aries, because it is difficult to convince him.


Men of this sign can be very attractive, but also cruel and cold. You think that everything is going well, but suddenly you get a large portion of the negative. If Taurus decides that you somehow betrayed him, then changing his mind is impossible.


One cannot know for sure what the Twins will throw out at the next moment. One day he can flood you with flowers and love, and the next day completely forget. Parting with him is a completely unexpected and discouraging thing. He can quickly get bored with relationships and, without blinking an eye, he will leave you with a broken heart.


The Cancer Man absolutely does not want to break anyone's heart. If he still hurts someone, he is disgusted by this and for a long time can not enter into a new relationship. After parting with you, he will surely try to remain friends, largely because he hates it when they are angry with him.

a lion

The lion should be in the spotlight, and meeting with him, you will have to go into the shadows. In extreme cases, this can inflict a devastating blow on your self-esteem. An even bigger blow to one's own worth can be done by parting. The Leo Man is extremely selfish and will not think about your feelings.


This man is extremely observant, and especially this concerns your mistakes and shortcomings. Virgo can be incredible critics and undermine self-confidence. If you can survive the breakup initiated by the Virgin, you can survive everything in life.


This man does not want to hurt, and if he does, then only because of his own resentment. Libra hates conflict, so for him the best way to break off a relationship is to slowly disappear. However, this can be even more painful - the relationship is over, but the man does not have the courage to say so.


The feelings of the Scorpions are deep, and when these people enter into a relationship with someone, they intend to make them long. However, if a man Scorpio is hurt by something, he will cause you real pain. He knows your weaknesses and secret fears, and will use this knowledge.


Sagittarius is a sign that puts its needs and desires above the desires of other people. It is not at all necessary that in his busy schedule of trips, meetings and trips there will be time for you. Having broken your heart, the Sagittarius man will be perplexed about the cause of your severe pain, because life is beautiful and full of opportunities.


If your ideas about what the relationship should be do not coincide with the ideas of Capricorn, he will leave you and will not look back. The man of this sign can be extremely inflexible and cold.


Men of this sign do not hesitate to flirt with other girls right in front of the partner's nose. They are well aware that this is unpleasant and ugly, but will not suffer from remorse at all. When Aquarius breaks up with someone, he does it with a sense of intellectual superiority, and simply turns around and leaves if you start to show emotions.


This man can be very nice if he is in love with someone, but otherwise it can be difficult for a woman to fight his pessimism, bad habits and escapism. He will hurt in a variety of ways, forcing to sacrifice his peace of mind for the good of the relationship. You will be surprised how indifferent a Pisces man can be when he leaves you.


Watch the video: WHY THE ZODIAC SIGNS BREAK UP WITH YOU!!!!!! (July 2024).