Warm salad with chicken liver - nutritious and healthy. The most interesting and unusual recipes for warm salads with chicken liver


Chicken liver is a fairly simple and affordable product.

It cooks quickly, in just 15 minutes. In addition, the calorie content of this product is quite low, so chicken liver is considered a diet delicacy.

It helps to normalize metabolism and improves digestion.

It contains trace elements and many useful substances.

Chicken liver is enriched with vitamins and folic acid. the human body needs.

Recently, it has become popular to cook warm salads from this product. They turn out easy, but at the same time satisfying. Almost all vegetables, and even many fruits and nuts, are combined with chicken liver. The ingredients can be changed among themselves, from this the taste of the salad will not deteriorate, but will become even more interesting.

Warm salad with chicken liver - general principles of preparation

• Salads are much tastier from chilled chicken liver than from frozen liver.

• Before frying, it is advisable to dry the liver with a kitchen paper towel.

• It is better to salt the liver after frying, so it will be crispy and tender.

• To prevent the chicken liver from boiling in its own juice during frying, place the pieces of the liver alternately in the pan.

• The finished liver should be soft.

• It is better to use lettuce of different varieties for a dish.

• Salad ingredients can be cut in any order.

• Salads are seasoned with mayonnaise, soy sauce or sour cream.

• You can also season salad with balsamic vinegar and lemon juice.

Warm salad with chicken liver and bell pepper


• 630 g of chicken liver;

• 60 g of chicken hearts;

• salt;

• three bell peppers;

• vegetable oil;

• four cloves of garlic;

• bow;

• four tablespoons of vinegar.

Cooking method:

1. Wrap the bell peppers individually in foil and place them in the oven for 15 minutes to bake.

2. Peel the onion well, and cut into half rings or rings. Put it in a bowl, salt and pour vinegar.

3. Transfer the liver and hearts to a colander and rinse. Once all the water has drained, place the ingredients on the board. Cut the hearts and liver into small pieces.

4. Fry the liver and hearts in oil with garlic for 10 minutes. Pepper and salt in the end.

5. Remove the finished pepper from the foil and cut into strips.

6. In the salad bowl, put the prepared hearts, liver, pepper and pickled onions. Mix everything.

7. Serve the dish as a hot snack along with boiled rice.

Warm salad with chicken liver and quail eggs


• 390 g chicken liver;

• 10 pieces. cherry tomatoes;

• salt;

• ten quail eggs;

• pepper;

• 140 g of green lettuce leaves;

• six tablespoons of vegetable oil;

• two tablespoons of sesame oil;

• two tablespoons of soy sauce.

Cooking method:

1. In a container, mix together vegetable oil, sesame and soy sauce.

2. Clean the liver from the bile ducts and rinse. Dip the liver in boiling water, remove it and cut into strips. Spread with salt and pepper. Heat the pan and lower the liver into it with butter. Fry for four minutes. Then cover the pan to prevent the liver from cooling down.

3. Quail eggs in boiling water for a minute. Then pull them out of the water and peel them.

4. Rinse the tomatoes and cut into four parts.

5. Rinse and cut lettuce leaves into several pieces. Then lay them on the bottom of the salad bowl.

6. Top with warm julienne eggs, tomatoes, and a hot liver.

7. Season with pre-prepared sauce.

8. Serve the salad until it cools down with herbs and a slice of bread.

Warm salad with chicken liver, mushrooms and olives


• 330 g of chicken liver;

• 320 g of fresh champignons;

• bow;

• two eggs;

• salt;

• a can of canned corn;

• 25 ml of vegetable oil;

• two tablespoons of vinegar;

• 110 g of cheese;

• mayonnaise;

• a can of pitted olives.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the eggs and, lowering them in a pan, pour water. Add a couple of tablespoons of salt and vinegar. Cook for 15 minutes. To prevent them from cooling, leave them in hot water for a while.

2. Rinse the liver thoroughly, then dip it in a napkin. Cut the product into small pieces.

3. Peel the onions, and remove the roots from the mushrooms. Grind the ingredients. Chop the mushrooms with straws, and chop the onion into cubes.

4. Heat a pan with oil and send onions there. Fry it until soft.

5. Then add the liver and salt to the onion. Simmer all together for 10 minutes.

6. Take a clean pan and heat oil in it. Once the fat has warmed, put chopped mushrooms and salt into it. Fry for 20 minutes.

7. Open cans of corn and olives. Drain the water. Cut olives into rings.

8. Peel the eggs and cut them into cubes. Grate the cheese. Put these ingredients with corn and olives in a bowl.

9. Add the liver, mushrooms and mayonnaise to the bowl, fried with onions. Mix all the ingredients and arrange the salad, while it is still warm, on plates.

Warm salad of chicken liver, fruit and pomegranate juice


• 140 g chicken liver;

• 40 g of brown sugar;

• salt;

• 45 g butter;

• onion;

• two sheets of lettuce;

• half an apple;

• pepper;

• 11 seedless grapes;

• two spoons of pomegranate seeds;

• a spoon of dark balsamic vinegar;

• flour;

• a spoonful of pomegranate juice.

Cooking method:

1. Peel and chop the onion into small pieces. Add salt, vinegar and pepper to it. Leave to marinate.

2. Cut the washed chicken liver into strips and roll in flour mixed with salt.

3. Melt half the butter in a pan and fry the liver in it for 7 minutes. Then put it on a plate and cover so that it does not cool.

4. Peel the apple and remove the core. Cut it into slices and put in another pan with the melted remaining butter. Add sugar there, and as soon as it dissolves, add grapes.

5. Transfer apples and grapes to a plate and cover.

6. In the same pan, fry the onions until golden. Then add the marinade to it and boil for two minutes.

7. Rinse and pick up lettuce leaves. Put them on a dish.

8. First place the liver, then onions with grapes and apples. Sprinkle everything with pomegranate juice.

9. Serve the salad immediately after cooking, garnishing it with pomegranate seeds.

10. As an additive, you can serve white bread crumbs to the table.

Warm salad of oranges and chicken liver


• 235 g of chicken liver;

• one large orange;

• salt;

• half a bunch of lettuce leaves;

• pepper;

• two tablespoons of olive oil;

• a spoon of pine nuts

• a spoon of sunflower oil;

• 1.5 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar;

• a spoon of honey.

Cooking method:

1. Clean the chicken liver and rinse. Cut the ingredient into strips, salt and sprinkle with pepper. Fry the liver in sunflower oil for four minutes. Cover the pan to prevent the ingredient from cooling down.

2. Peel the orange, divide it into slices and remove the white film.

3. Fry the nuts for two minutes in a dry pan.

4. For dressing, mix vinegar, honey and olive oil.

5. Finely chop the lettuce leaves and place on a flat plate.

6. Pour orange slices in half with the next layer.

7. Next, lay the warm chicken liver and sprinkle all with pine nuts.

8. Pour the salad with the prepared dressing and serve immediately.

9. The dish will go perfectly with fried potato wedges.

Warm salad with chicken liver and pancakes


• 290 g of chicken liver;

• two tablespoons of mayonnaise and vegetable oil;

• salt;

• two onions;

• four eggs;

• pepper;

• a spoonful of soy sauce;

• granulated garlic.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the chicken liver and remove the film from it. Cut the liver into several parts and fry them in hot oil until cooked.

2. Cut the onion rings and put them in a frying pan in oil in a frying pan. After five minutes of frying, season them with granulated garlic and soy sauce.

3. Cover all the fried lids to prevent the ingredients from cooling.

4. Beat eggs with salt until smooth. From the resulting mass, you need to cook pancakes. Pour the dough onto the skimmed oil pan and cook the thin pancakes one at a time. Fry them on both sides.

5. Cut the warm pancakes into strips and put in a salad bowl. Add liver, pepper, fried onions and mayonnaise there. Gently mix the ingredients and serve warm salad immediately to the table.

6. Vegetable cutting will be perfectly combined with such a salad.

Warm salad with chicken liver and walnuts


• 180 g chicken liver;

• a spoon of flour;

• salt;

• butter and sunflower oil;

• leaves of any salad;

• vinegar;

• a bunch of basil;

• juice of half a lemon;

• a handful of walnuts;

• a spoon of mayonnaise;

• half a spoonful of mustard.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse and dry the lettuce leaves with a bunch of basil.

2. In the salad bowl, pick your hands lettuce leaves. Add chopped nuts there and mix.

3. Combine olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Mix with a fork. Add a spoonful of mayonnaise and mustard. Beat the ingredients until smooth.

4. Pour nuts and lettuce into the resulting sauce.

5. Cut the liver coarsely, rinse, dry and roll in flour. Heat butter and sunflower oil in a pan. Fry the chicken liver until golden brown.

6. Put the slices on lettuce leaves and pour everything over with lemon juice.

7. If desired, add sesame seeds and tomatoes to the salad.

8. Serve the dish with rye bread or croutons.

Warm Chicken Liver Salad - Tips & Tricks

• When buying chicken liver, pay attention to its smell, it should be acidic.

• To give the liver tenderness, first soak it in milk.

• If the liver is overcooked or digested, it will turn out to be tough and less useful.

• Add the grated cheese to the fried chicken liver a few minutes before cooking.

• Add any seasonings to the warm salad, if desired.

• Chicken liver goes well with fried mushrooms.

• Add fried onions and garlic to salads, they will add spice to the dish.

• To make the salad spicy, add ground red pepper and mustard.


Watch the video: Jamie Oliver & Jim Chapman Superfood Salad! (June 2024).