Safety and efficacy of acupuncture: benefit or harm? How far do the beneficial properties of acupuncture outweigh the harm


The methods of healing various ailments with the help of acupuncture are of ancient origin, rooted in centuries-old history Chinese medicine.

There are unique ancient documents in which the Healers of the Celestial Empire, standing at the origins of the Chinese art of healing, designated about 300 energy pointswhen exposed to which can affect human health.

Modern doctors are interested in methods acupuncture only in the middle of the last century. And by the age of 70, it was introduced as a separate discipline in the programs of medical institutes. But, unlike the Chinese colleagues who have been perfecting their skills for years, modern doctors are studying art of reflexology no more than three months. Maybe that’s why there are absolutely polar opinions among patients and supporters of traditional medicine about the benefits and harms of acupuncture.

What is acupuncture? How is acupuncture practiced?

Ancient Chinese teachings were based on the unity of man with nature. All vital processes in the human body are influenced by the vital energy of qi. With competent influence on certain points that have an energetic connection with organs, it is possible to influence the general condition of the body and the work of certain systems in different ways. In skilled hands, a healing needle can bring both recovery and benefit, and worsen the condition, and even provoke death.

Evidence-based medicine explains the efficacy and beneficial properties of acupuncture by neurogenic bonds in the human body. When the needle is irritated by sensitive nerve receptors at certain points, the impulse is transmitted to a part of the brain connected to various organs. Such a signal activates further transmission of nerve impulses and blood supply to a specific organthat promotes regeneration processes.

In modern medical practice, two main acupuncture techniques are usedaffecting the body in different ways:

1. With a sedative method practice deep injection of needles into active points (up to 80 mm), which remain in the patient’s body for quite some time. To achieve various goals, needles may not be removed up to a day. This technique allows you to achieve a calming and analgesic effect.

2. Applying exciting acupuncture methodDoctors irritate nerve endings and stimulate brain function. To do this, use small needles that are injected to a depth of not more than 1 cm. The duration of exposure can be from 30 seconds to half an hour.

To achieve the greatest benefit for the body from acupuncture, these methods try to combine.

Acupuncture: what are the benefits to the body?

Acupuncture is gaining popularity among patients who are looking for non-standard and safe methods of treatment, and among physicians who prefer alternative methods of therapy. The secret to acupuncture success lies in its beneficial properties.

Indeed, according to many medical practitioners, acupuncture is good for your health.

With correctly conducted reflexology sessions:

• blood circulation improves;

• edema is eliminated;

• metabolism is normalized;

• mental state is restored;

• the nervous system is relaxed or stimulated;

• increased immune abilities;

• hormonal background is normalized;

• pain disappears;

• inflammation is relieved;

• improves the condition of the skin.

Such useful properties of acupuncture allow you to use this method in the treatment of a wide variety of ailments.

The real benefits of acupuncture are observed with healing:

1. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

2. Ailments of the nervous system.

3. Pathology of the respiratory system.

4. Vascular and heart diseases.

5. Ailments of the digestive system.

6. Diseases of the genitourinary system.

7. Ailments of female organs.

8. Eye diseases.

9. Allergic pathologies.

10. Endocrine ailments.

11. Bad habits.

To maximize the benefits of acupuncture for health, it is necessary, first of all, trust the doctor and believe in the success of the cure.

But it should be remembered that, despite the benefits of acupuncture for health, treating such a method of healing as monomethodics is at least stupid.

Doctors unanimously argue that any type of reflexology - this is a helper method treatment that can be used in combination with the main drug course of therapy, diet therapy and other healing methods.

Acupuncture: what is the harm to health?

Doctors with more conservative views do not support enthusiastic claims about the undeniable benefits of acupuncture. Opponents of Alternative Medicine Supporters give reasoned arguments proving that the irritation of certain points is not able to affect the source of the disease.

And with serious chronic or dangerous pathologies, patients, in the hope of miraculous healing with acupuncture, lose valuable time and cause irreparable harm to health.

In addition, acupuncture sessions conducted by amateurs can also harm the body. After all, it is not enough to know the location of the active points that can be learned from available sources, the master must possess the skill of Chinese healers.

The result of treatment directly depends on the number of points involved during the procedure, the depth of the needles, the exposure time.

With an illiterate amateurish approach, the probability of damage to blood vessels, nerves and tendons when inserting needles is high.

According to many supporters of alternative treatment, the question of the dangers of acupuncture can be resolved by finding an experienced physician who is licensed for this type of medical practice.

But how true is the statement of advertising slogans of non-traditional clinics practicing oriental methods of treatment about the safety of acupuncture?

According to research by the UK National Agency for Patient Safety, more than one hundred people have become victims of an ancient healing technique.

Fainting, dizziness, bruising, and even punctured light and left needles in the body are all consequences of safe and harmless acupuncture.

The main problem even for experienced professionals is infection. Bacteria can enter the puncture site, which eventually leads to the formation of ulcers, abscesses. Further spread of the infection has rather dire consequences, up to the destruction of joints, failure of internal organs and even paralysis. Do not forget about cases of HIV or hepatitis.

In addition, there are absolute contraindications in which the harm of acupuncture is undeniable.

It is forbidden to conduct acupuncture sessions:

• for oncological diseases;

• people with mental disorders;

• with leukemia, hemophilia, other blood diseases;

• during a rise in temperature;

• with sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, hepatitis, tuberculosis;

• during exacerbations of chronic pathologies requiring surgical intervention;

• during pregnancy;

• people with alcohol and drug intoxication.

Acupuncture for children: beneficial or harmful?

Some clinics offer acupuncture procedures for babies under the age of one who have neurological abnormalities, perinatal encephalopathy.

Parents who encounter such pathologies in the child, of course, grab onto any straw that gives hope for recovery. But do not forget that age up to a year is an absolute contraindication for acupuncture. Despite the use of special thin and short needles, there is a high probability of damage to the thin skin of the baby and even internal organs.

For older children, there are no special contraindications. In addition to the introduction of needles on the face for children under 7 years of age.

The benefits of acupuncture for children are undeniable, especially in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, cerebral palsy, vegetative-vascular dystonia, diseases of the gastrointestinal organs.

But children's needle treatment has its own specifics. Therefore, if you want to get the maximum benefit for the child’s body from acupuncture, try to find a doctor who specializes in such procedures.

Such a specialist should be not only an experienced reflexologist, but also a good child psychologist.

Kids inadequately respond to the pain of the procedure, and muscle spasms do not allow acupuncture sessions to benefit the baby's health.

And do not forget about the likely consequences of such reflexology. Better take care of the presence of sterile disposable needles on your own.

Acupuncture: The Benefits of Slimming

From the physiological point of view, acupuncture for weight loss is quite an effective way.

To help the body cope with extra pounds, doctors use several acupuncture techniques that bring real health benefits.

First of all, they act on active points that affect the stability of the nervous system. The habit of overeating in many cases is associated with constant stressemotional experiences. Acupuncture helps to cope with such an "emotional" hunger.

Methods are also used to help the patient suppress the urge to eat often. Exposure to known “hunger points” helps to control an indefatigable appetite. According to the Faleev method, a needle is used, which is installed on the ear at a certain point, which helps to suppress appetite. According to the method of Mukhina, a specially designed “golden” needle is used, which is attached as an earring in the ear.

Also held metabolic recovery work. In these cases, with the help of needles, points that are associated with the digestive system, liver, kidneys, and heart are irritated.

A comprehensive competent effect on the body during acupuncture sessions brings real benefits and contributes to weight loss.

But do not take acupuncture as a "magic pill" from extra pounds. In any case, the doctor will recommend special tactics of nutrition and physical activity, without observing which it is impossible to achieve lasting results.

Acupuncture has a real healing effect on the body. But approach the choice of treatment methods carefully and do not ignore the recommendations of doctors about the combination of several areas of therapy, which are selected only individually.


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