The health of Russians is still poor


The health status of Russians is still far from the norm, as evidenced by the composite index of healthy countries in the world. A press conference was held on Friday at which Dmitry Yanin, the head of the International Confederation of Consumer Societies, spoke.

This year, as in the past, Russia, unfortunately, was not included in the top ten, top twenty, or even thirty of the healthiest countries, and still is located in the ninth top ten index of the world's healthy countries. According to RIA Novosti, Singapore is still leading, followed by Italians. But Cuba, unexpectedly for many, surpassed the United States in terms of health index. Experts attribute this to the fact that Americans do not pay due attention to healthy eating, as a result, the number of people with obesity, diabetes and other diseases is growing in the country.

The American agency Bloomberg annually compiles the ranking of countries around the world based on the health status of their residents. Such indicators as life expectancy of the country's inhabitants, mortality rate, including child mortality, causes of mortality, physical activity, alcohol consumption, number of smokers, HIV-infected, and ecology are taken into account.

In 2012, Russia was 97 out of 145 possible positions. Many former republics of the Union are ranked ahead of Russia. This is Georgia (71st place), followed by Armenia, Latvia, Lithuania, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan.

In these sad figures, it remains only to add that our health is in our hands. Refusing bad habits and wrong lifestyles in favor of a healthy lifestyle is affordable for each of us. And the more people make the right decision for themselves, the healthier our nation will be.


Watch the video: In poor rural areas many Russians yearn for a return to communism (June 2024).