The tailbone hurts when you sit: the causes of this trouble. If the tailbone hurts when you sit: what can be done?


The coccyx is the most finite part in the spine, which is formed by 3-4 underdeveloped vertebrae.

Now this body does not carry active functions in the body, however, its damage can cause a person a lot of inconvenience.

Let us consider in more detail why the tailbone hurts when you sit, and how to cope with it.

Coccyx hurts when you sit: reasons

The main causes of coccyx pain in a sitting position are:

1. Diseases of the spine, due to which the nerves are infringed. Most often, a sedentary (sedentary) lifestyle and lack of physical activity leads to such.

2. Diseases of the rectum (proctitis, hemorrhoids, fissure, etc.) can provoke periodic pain, giving back to the coccyx.

3. Fistula on the tailbone is a common cause of pathological pain.

4. Improperly selected (narrow or coarse) clothing can rub the tailbone, which will cause abrasions and pain.

5. A tailbone injury caused by a fall can not only cause pain, but also seriously impair the function of the entire spine. In especially severe cases, a person will not be able to walk and sit normally.

6. Too heavy labor causes pain in the tailbone when they lead to injury.

7. The development of oncological pathologies in the spine and the coccyx itself can cause pain of a different nature and intensity.

8. Various diseases of the bones of the pelvis.

9. Osteochondrosis.

10. Infectious processes in the body can cause pain and discomfort in the tailbone.

In addition to the main reasons, such factors can cause pain in the tailbone:

• the habit of sitting on furniture that is too hard;

• sleep on a non-orthopedic mattress;

• various inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system (urethritis, prostatitis, candidiasis, etc.);

• stress and emotional instability can provoke overstrain in the body, and as a result of this - pain in the tailbone. In addition, in this condition, a person may develop migraine, depression, and digestive tract diseases;

• idiopathic pain (symptoms whose origin cannot be elucidated);

• long stay in a sitting position (especially often this happens when working at a computer);

• bad habit of sitting in the toilet for too long during bowel movements;

• inflammatory diseases of the uterus and fallopian tubes;

• inflammation of appendicitis;

• chronic constipation;

• surgery on the rectum, after which large scars formed;

• curvature of the spine (scoliosis);

• deposition of salts in the area between the coccyx and sacrum;

• various diseases of the spine, accompanied by neurological symptoms.

Tailbone hurts when you sit: symptoms and diagnosis

With various diseases of the coccyx, a person can suffer from such symptoms:

1. Sharp sharp pains that increase in a sitting position.

2. Attacks of pain that smoothly descend from the back into the tailbone area.

3. Throbbing pain, accompanied by fever and general weakness of the body.

4. Aching (dull) pain, which intensifies after defecation.

5. Shooting pain that appears after long sitting on hard surfaces.

As a rule, coccyx pains are paroxysmal in nature. They begin abruptly and can also suddenly stop. Also, sometimes patients experience a burning sensation and tingling sensation in the coccyx, which gives to the lumbar region.

If at least two of the above symptoms appear, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

After the examination, the doctor may prescribe such examinations:

• MRI;

• CT;

• ultrasound of the coccyx;

• general urine analysis;

• general blood analysis;

• ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys;

• examination by a neurologist;

• examination by a traumatologist.

Tailbone hurts when you sit: treatment

The treatment of pain in the tailbone is prescribed depending on each specific diagnosis. As a rule, traditional therapy courses are practiced, which include physiotherapy, medication and massage.

The complex of medical procedures includes:

• rectal darsonvalization;

• massotherapy;

• laser therapy;

• ozokerite;

• ultrasound treatment;

• electrotherapy;

• paraffin baths;

• treatment with diadynamic current;

• treatment with ozokerite;

• mud procedures;

• manual therapy.

Also, the patient must necessarily engage in physical therapy for the tailbone. It includes a whole range of exercises that need to be done at least twice a week. It is worth remembering that with diseases of the tailbone it is undesirable to run, jump and make sudden movements. An excellent alternative to physiotherapy exercises can be yoga.

If the course of the disease is accompanied by severe spasms in the coccyx, the doctor may prescribe oil microclysters to the patient. They will alleviate pain in the rectum, and relieve cramping during bowel movements.

Drug therapy involves the intake of such groups of drugs:

1. Painkillers (analgesic drugs): Novocaine, Lidocaine, Ketanov. However, some of them can be used orally, and some externally, rubbing into a diseased tailbone. Also, in case of acute pain attacks, the patient may undergo special analgesic procedures (novocaine chipping near the coccyx and coccyx itself).

2. Sedatives or antidepressants can be prescribed if the coccyx disease was triggered by an unstable psycho-emotional state of the patient.

3. Antipyretic drugs (Nise, Nurofen, Paracetamol) can be prescribed to the patient if he has a high body temperature.

4. Anti-inflammatory local medicines (Diclacgel, Diclofenac, etc.).

Manual therapy is very effective, as it improves blood circulation in the coccyx, eliminates the problem of blood stasis and relieves muscle cramps. After a full course of such treatment, the patient can completely get rid of pain.

All of the above means and methods of treatment will help restore blood circulation in the tailbone and relieve pain. In the case where traditional therapy did not have the expected effect, the patient may be prescribed surgical treatment. Most often, this leads to severe tailbone injuries that simply cannot be completely cured. Then the patient undergoes an operation called coccigectomy. Its essence lies in the complete removal of the coccyx.

Coccyx hurts when you sit: how to reduce pain

In order to reduce pain in the coccyx, it is necessary:

1. When seated, take care in your workplace. It is better to replace a hard chair with a soft chair with an orthopedic back. You can also use special orthopedic circles that fit under the buttocks.

2. It is important not to stay in a sitting position for a long time and at least every half hour to do a five-minute rest. At this time, several exercises should be performed (bending, squats, warming up for the arms of the shoulders and back). This will help relieve stress and coccyx.

3. Do not start diseases of a proctological nature, since they are one of the first to provoke acute pain in the tailbone.

Also, to quickly alleviate the pain in the tailbone, you can use folk methods.

The most effective of them are:

1. Compress from tincture of valerian, which must be applied to the patient coccyx for 2-3 hours. Repeat the procedure twice a day.

2. Iodine mesh on the tailbone.

3. Compress of apple cider vinegar (3 tbsp. L. Vinegar in a glass of water), which must be applied to the coccyx for the night.

4. Compress made of blue clay with sea buckthorn oil in a ratio of 2: 1.

5. Rubbing with iodine. To do this, before the procedure, you need to grind the coccyx well and grease it with tincture of iodine. After this, you should wrap the body with a warm blanket. Repeat the procedure up to three times a week.

6. Exposure to a magnet. For this, it is necessary to conduct a ring magnet along the coccyx for 10-15 minutes every day.

7. Fir oil can be rubbed into the coccyx three times a day. It will relieve inflammation, and reduce acute pain.

8. Radish remedy:

• mix 200 ml of radish juice and 100 ml of alcohol;

• rub the finished mixture into the coccyx three times a day for two weeks.

9. Mummy ointment:

• mix in equal quantities the mummy with rose oil;

• rub in the coccyx twice a day for a week. The tool will quickly help reduce inflammation and relieve pain.


Watch the video: Quick Relief For Tail Bone Pain Coccydynia (July 2024).