Feather grass - medicinal properties and application in medicine


Feather grass - general description

Feather grass (feather grass, kipets, hairs, marin flax, sheep’s death, beloved, whistler, pernik, tirsa, steppe, silk grass) refers to perennial grasses with a short rhizome and a bunch of hard, wire-like leaves folded into a tube. The length of the inflorescences is 12-12 cm, and the awns are 30-40 cm. Flowering of feather grass occurs from May to June.

Feather grass - types and places of growth

About 400 species of feather grass are known. The most common: hairy, feathery, Zalessky and beautiful. Being dry-lovers, these plants settle on open dry hills, steppe meadows, rocky placers and rocks. The virgin steppes of Siberia and southern Russia are covered with feather grass.

Feather grass - healing properties

In folk medicine, feather grass is used to treat many ailments, but it is especially worth noting the effectiveness of its use in diseases of the thyroid gland, paralysis and rheumatism.

Feather grass - dosage forms

For the preparation of medicinal drugs, feather grass is collected in May-June. The most useful are its feathery awns. The leaves also have medicinal properties, so they harvest the entire ground part of the plant. Raw materials are dried in shaded and well-ventilated areas, crushed and stored in paper containers. Given that it is quite difficult to determine the suitability of the herb for medicinal use, it is better to purchase ready-made raw materials in the pharmacy network.

Feather grass - recipes

With goiter, it will be advisable to use inside and outwardly (in the form of poultices, lotions) a milk decoction of crushed feather grass leaves. To do this, bring a cup of milk to a boil and add 2 teaspoon to it. lies. dry chopped herbs, boil for another five minutes. Insist the broth for about 30 minutes and take in small sips on the attraction of the day or make lotions out of it.

Also, milk decoction of feather grass helps with paralysis. To prepare it, you should boil a cup of milk and add a table to it. l dry grass. Simmer for 15 minutes and leave at room t to cool (1 hour). Give the patient 3 p. / Day before meals.

Feather grass is a part of herbal preparations for the treatment of paralysis. For example, mix mordovia seeds and dry shredded grass of feather grass in a ratio of 1: 1, two teas. l pour this mixture with a glass of water (100 ° C), wrap the container and leave to infuse in a warm place overnight. A thermos is well suited for these purposes. In the morning, the infusion is filtered, given to the patient in small portions throughout the day. Feather grass enhances the action of the muzzle.

With multiple sclerosis and radiculitis, use this tincture: tea. spoon a mixture of grass feather grass and mordovia seeds pour 100 ml of alcohol, insist for 21 days in a dark bowl, strain. Rub tincture (1 tsp) into the affected area or take orally in the morning and evening, preferably an hour after eating.

The use of lotions from feather grass has proven itself in the treatment of rheumatism and joint pain. Decoctions for them can be prepared both in water and in milk. The grass on the basis of the selected liquid is boiled, it is well insisted until it swells and in a warm state it is applied to the sore spot for 30 minutes, wrapping it warmly.

With prostate adenoma, you can do a sitz bath with the collection, which includes grass feather grass feathering and horsetail 1: 1. Pour three handfuls of this mixture with 2 liters of water (100 ° C), insist for an hour and strain. Before the procedure, you need to make an enema from the infusion of flowers of a pharmaceutical chamomile. Baths are taken before bedtime, well wrapped in a blanket.

Feather grass - contraindications

The plant is contraindicated in allergies. Its dry seeds can cause a cough, an asthma attack.


Olya 04/26/2016
Well, feather grass, this is a favorite weed from childhood for many! How great it was to run it in the back of a friend, or some harmful boy))) Of course, we did not think about the healing qualities of this plant. Now, childhood has passed, we have overcome diseases, and we are already considering weed not as entertainment, but as a way to cure))

Svetlana 04/26/2016
I wonder how a plant like feather grass can help with paralysis. It just doesn't fit in my head. But at the expense of sciatica, I am intrigued, I think it's worth trying to heal with feather grass. Worse, I hope it will not))

Zhenya 04/26/2016
And for me, this article is what I need! I just need some kind of cure for thyroid enlargement. Only, now you can’t make it yourself. I’ll go to the pharmacy, although I have never seen a feather grass there. Maybe she just didn’t notice ...

Kira 04/26/2016
Feather grass - blooms ?! I have never seen. Maybe this is its flowering when these hairs grow? I read somewhere long ago that feather grass helps the thyroid gland. But, did not attach any importance to this. As it turned out - in vain. Later, and I had problems with the thyroid gland.

Mila 04/26/2016
Honestly, when I opened the page, after reading the name of the grass, I was genuinely surprised! I could not even imagine that an ordinary, familiar feather grass could be a remedy. Yes, and he had all sorts of different names!


Watch the video: Medicinal and edible plants - cleaversgoose grass (June 2024).